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Friday, November 30, 2012
How to Control Blood Glucose through Diet for Diabetes
Diabetes is a systemic metabolic abnormalities disease with the symptoms of polyphagia, polydipsia and dieresis mainly. It is caused by lack of insulin secretion, leading to carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism disorder, resulting in too much glucose in the blood. So the glucose goes through the kidneys and is discharged through urine. Besides timely treatment, proper diet is also important.
Diabetes patients should eat vegetables that contain low sugar. The vegetables that contain only 1% to 3% of sugar are: cabbage, bitter gourd, spinach, rape, celery, leeks, cucumber, melon, eggplant, tomato, towel gourd, wild rice, bamboo shoots, cauliflower, zucchini, green bean sprouts, fresh mushrooms.
The vegetables that contain about 4% of sugar are: carrot, bell pepper, pumpkin.
The vegetables that contain more than 4% of sugar are: cowpea, lentils, carrots, garlic.
Potatoes contain 20% of sugar so if the patients eat it, they should eat less staple food.
In a variety of vegetables, cabbage, bitter gourd and pumpkin should be particularly worth mentioning. Cabbage contains less sugar, but it is slightly sweet. So many patients don’t want to eat cabbage. That is a common misconception.
The bitter gourd is a little bit bitter but it is rich in vitamin C. Per 100 grams of bitter gourd contains 84 mg of vitamin C, which is enough for the daily requirement of an ordinary person. The researchers have isolated insulin-like substances from bitter gourd, which may have the function of reducing blood glucose. Therefore, bitter gourd is often used as a kind of food therapy for Diabetes patients. However, its function of reducing blood glucose still needs further study.
Food therapy is the therapeutic foundation of treating Diabetes, which is one of the most fundamental treatment methods. No matter what type of Diabetes with different severity or complications, or whether the patients take insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, strict diet should be followed.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Why Does Diabetes Lead To Impotence
Impotence is a common complication of Diabetes. It can occur in 50~70% cases of patients over age 50. In the young patients, the incidence is slightly lower and it is about 20~30%. So, why does Diabetes lead to impotence?
It is attributable to several factors. As follows:
Firstly, Diabetes is a systemic disorder and it can cause diverse metabolic disorders. The patients often suffer from peripheral nerves damage, autonomic nerves and capillary injury. Generally speaking, erectile dysfunction in male patients is mainly related to nerve pathological change.
Secondly, impotence may occur when sex neurons are involved.
Thirdly, for metabolic disorders, less sex hormone is produced in body thus causing dysfunction and impotence.
What’s more, for high glucose level and fat level in blood, it is very likely to cause blood blockage and arteriolosclerosis. As a result, it will result in vascular narrowing and insufficient blood supplement thus resulting in impotence.
Meanwhile, irrational use of drugs can also give rise to impotence.
The above article has introduced the common causes of impotence in Diabetes. If you suffer from the problem, you should go for further inspection to find out its specific cause and take relative measures to relieve it.
Besides impotence, if the patients with Diabetes have a poor control of blood glucose, it will cause a series of complications such as Diabetic Nephropathy, Diabetic Foot, coronary diseases etc.
Diabetes is the most cause of Renal Failure in western countries. However, in the early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy, the patients do not present any noticeable symptoms. In most cases, it will develop into at least stage 3 and the patients have showed obvious clinical symptoms such as swelling, edema, high blood pressure etc. If the patients have a long history of Diabetes, they should go for further inspections to find out if it is related to renal injury.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Diabetes:Side Effects of Insulin
Insulin has been widely used up to now ever since it was invented. It saves many Diabetic patients’ lives. Until now, there are many side effects of insulin that have not been solved. These side effects scare patients with Diabetes.
1. pain
Of course you may feel pain upon injection because your skin is penetrated by a sharp needle. Compared with other injection or vaccination, insulin injection is not that painful.
2. Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia after insulin injection is a serious problem which may lead patient to coma, especially asymptomatic Hypoglycemia. But the likelihood of Type 2 Diabetic patients getting Hypoglycemia after an insulin injection is lesser and mild. Hypoglycemia is a common issue of patients who undergo insulin therapy.
3. Fat pad
Fat pad usually results from long-term insulin injection on the same site causing subcutaneous fat proliferation. Fat pad may affect the local absorption of insulin. Changing of injection site regularly helps to avoid formation of fat pad.
4. Insulin resistance
Insulin resistance may come out after a certain period of insulin injection bring about increase in dosage of insulin. Insulin resistance might associate with some impurity substances. Most of the insulin using clinically nowadays are highly purified so insulin resistance is not very common today.
5. Weight gain
Many Type 2 Diabetic patients have weigh gain after a period of insulin therapy. Patients can readjust their diet and add some exercise to balance the absorption and consumption of calories.
6. Edema
Edema may take place after 4-6 days of insulin therapy, some may be seen on extremities but most are found on faces. Such edema is mild and temporary and it will disappear by itself in one month.
7. Local bruise
Some patients notice that there will be local bruise after insulin injection. Actually, local bruise not only appears after insulin injection but also other injections. Such local bruise is caused by capillary damage while injecting and it will be absorbed soon without any intervention. The patients may pressure the injection site for seconds to avoid local hematoma.
8. Lipoatrophy
Lipoatrophy is not common clinically; it can be divided into congenital and acquired. Lipoatrophy after insulin injection is acquired lipoatrophy. Formation of lipoatrophy after insulin injection is not yet fully understood. However, it is noticed that lipoatrophy might be avoided by using highly purified insulin and regularly injection site change.
9. Allergy
Just like lipoatrophy after insulin injection, allergy is also seldom seen after insulin injection. Presence of local or general allergy after insulin injection depends on personal condition. Local allergy usually appears 2-12 hours after injection and it will lasts for about 2 hours then disappear. General allergy is severer than local allergy, patients may experience edematous face and oral mucous membrane, difficulty of breath, asthma or even shock. General allergy usually occurs on patients who resume insulin therapy after several months continuation.
10. Skin infection
Skin infection of Diabetic patients can be caused by various reasons and insulin therapy is not the leading cause. There are excessive glucose contained in Diabetic patients' tissue and it provides a favorable environment for bacterium and viruses. Improper and non-sterile injection also increases the chance of skin infection. And the infection may get severe because Diabetic patients have weak resistance and immunity.
Although the side effects of insulin injection are many, they actually can be avoided by proper injection. They are easy to be avoided so Diabetic patients should confront insulin therapy objectively. Besides, insulin injection is not the curative method of treating Diabetes; Diabetic patients should participate correct treatment actively in order to free themselves from Diabetes as soon as possible.
The Possible Result of Diabetes
Whether diabetes will develop or they will develop other disease like kidney disorder, eye problem, and foot problem etc. If they have a good control of blood sugar, can they keep a healthy life?
1. Patients with diabetes can recover. That is to say diabetes can be cured. But Cure is rare and almost nobody can be cured completely because diabetes is a lifelong disease. Presently, nobody can guarantee that he can completely cure diabetes and there is not any medicine can cure diabetes at all.
2. Rapidly aggravation causing a death. Children and elderly people with diabetes are likely to have an acute onset of diabetes which easily causes death. In addition, the acute complications of diabetes have a high mortality. So patients with diabetes need to pay more attention to the onset of diabetic complications. In daily life, controlling blood sugar is a good way to prevent diabetic complication.
3. Diabetes is a lifelong disease which may accompany you for the rest of life. Most diabetes sufferers can get this kind of disease. People with lifelong diabetes have two results as the followed.
Some people can live with diabetes after scientific and suitable treatment. They can enjoy the normal life except for taking medicine every day. They can live longer and do something that they like to do. They can work and live a full life as normally as possible.
Others can suffer a lot due to the improper treatment who may experience some diabetic complications like diabetic nephropathy, eye problems, and heart disease and so on. Diabetes and the complications not only affect the patient but also the family members. Patients are likely to live a low-quality life and life span may be shortened.
This is the possible result of diabetes. Living a happy and normal life is possible for diabetics only if they have a suitable and proper treatment. Presently, stem cell transplant, the newest treatment has been used to treat diabetes.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Should the Patients with Diabetes Avoid Coffee or Not
Coffee is a popular drink worldwide. It can help us drive away drowsiness and make us fresher. However, should the patients with Diabetes avoid drinking it or not?
Some studies show that the coffee drinkers, especially those who drink a lot of may carry a lower risk of developing Diabetes. There is something about coffee that fights type 2 Diabetes---but it isn’t caffeine.
An experiment conducted by Duck University proves that caffeine makes it hard for people with Diabetes to control their blood sugar. It can disrupt the glucose metabolism and may contribute to the development and poor control of type 2 Diabetes. In the experiment, the patients were asked to drink two cups of coffee at each meal and their blood sugar levels were 8 percent higher than before. The caffeine can compromise the treatment aimed at controlling their blood glucose.
However, some other components in it besides caffeine may be beneficial in long-term in reduction of Diabetes risk. Therefore, the patients with Diabetes or people at risk of developing the disease should choose decaf in their daily life.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Diabetes Can Cause Any Other Diabetic Complications of The Body.
1. Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke
If you have diabetes, you are at least twice as likely as someone who does not have diabetes to have heart disease or a stroke. People with diabetes also tend to develop heart disease or have strokes at an earlier age than other people. Women who have not gone through menopause usually have less risk of heart disease than men of the same age.
People with diabetes who have already had one heart attack run an even greater risk of having a second one. In addition, heart attacks in people with diabetes are more serious and more likely to result in death. High blood glucose levels over time can lead to increased deposits of fatty materials on the insides of the blood vessel walls. These deposits may affect blood flow, increasing the chance of clogging and hardening of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
2. Diabetic Retinopathy (Eye Disease)
Diabetic retinopathy is the medical term for the most common diabetes eye problem.
Diabetes can affect the eyes in several ways. Frequently, the effects are temporary and can be corrected with better diabetes control. However, long-term diabetes can cause changes in the eyes that threaten vision. Stable blood glucose levels and yearly eye examinations can help reduce the risk of serious eye damage.
Blurred vision is one effect of diabetes can have on the eyes. The reason may be that changing levels of glucose in blood also can affect the balance of fluid in the lens of the eye, which works like a flexible camera lens to focus images. If the lens absorbs more water than normal and swells, its focusing power changes. Diabetes also may affect the function of nerves that control eyesight, causing blurred vision.
Cataract and glaucoma are eye diseases that occur more frequently in people with diabetes. Cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. Glaucoma is a condition in which pressure within the eye can damage the optic nerve that transmits visual images to the brain. Early diagnosis and treatment of cataract and glaucoma can reduce the severity of these disorders.
3. Diabetic foot
For diabetic patients, they will get Neuropathies of the nerve ending, and the insufficient blood-supply of the lower limbs and the bacterial infection may cause pain, ulcer, acromelicgangrene etc, which is called Diabetic foot.
4. People with diabetes are more likely to develop infections, like boils and ulcers, than the average person. Women with diabetes may develop vaginal infections more often than other women. Checking for infections, treating them early, and following a doctor's advice can help ensure that infections are mild and infrequent. Infections also can affect the teeth and gums, making people with diabetes more susceptible to periodontal disease, an inflammation of tissue surrounding and supporting the teeth. An important cause of periodontal disease is bacterial growth on the teeth and gums. Treating diabetes and following a dentist's advice on dental care can help prevent periodontal disease.
5. Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure
Even when diabetes is controlled, the disease can lead to CKD and kidney failure. Diabetic kidney disease takes many years to develop. In some people, the filtering function of the kidneys is actually higher than normal in the first few years of their diabetes.
Over several years, people who are developing kidney disease will have small amounts of the blood protein albumin begin to leak into their urine. This first stage of CKD is called microalbuminuria. The kidney’s filtration function usually remains normal during this period.
As the disease progresses, more albumin leaks into the urine. This stage may be called macroalbuminuria or proteinuria. As the amount of albumin in the urine increases, the kidneys’ filtering function usually begins to drop. The body retains various wastes as filtration falls. As kidney damage develops, blood pressure often rises as well.
Overall, kidney damage rarely occurs in the first 10 years of diabetes, and usually 15 to 25 years will pass before kidney failure occurs.
Urinary tract infections are also a cause of kidney problems. Diabetes can affect the nerves that control the bladder, making it difficult for a person to empty his or her bladder completely. Bacteria can form in the unemptied bladder and the tubes leading from it, eventually causing infection. The symptoms of a urinary tract infection include frequent, painful urination, blood in the urine, and pain in the lower abdomen and back. Without prompt examination and treatment by a doctor, the infection can reach the kidneys, causing pain, fever, and possibly kidney damage. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection and may suggest that the person drink large amounts of water.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The Knowledge of Diabetes
Diabetes, also called Diabetes Mellitus, describes an illness condition that your body fail to use insulin. The disease can be divided into two types: D1M (Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus) and D2M (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus).
Is Diabetes a family disease?
The disease can be genetic and passed on from the family members. Evidence-based data reveals that 20-30% of the diabetics have a family history. Whatever the D1M or D2M all share an obvious genetic tendency. The only one difference is D2M has a higher hereditary tendency compared with D1M. One thing I need to make it clear, that is the heredity of the disease is not the disease itself, but its susceptibility.
What’s the normal blood sugar level?
Fasting blood sugar: 6.1mmol/L (within eight hours without eating anything)
PBG (postprandial blood glucose): 7.8 mmol/L
What about its damage?
DKA (diabetic ketoaicdosis), NHHDC (nonketotic hyperosmolar coma) and hypoglycemic coma are the most common as well as serious fatal complications.
85% of the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus die from heart disease. What’s worse, the incidence rate of diabetics complicated with high blood pressure reaches up to 40%, which signal us that controlling the blood pressure is even crucial than regulating the blood sugar.
No less than 40% of the diabetics suffer from kidney disease. And one third of those patients develops End-stage Renal Failure and requires dialysis and kidney transplant. The number can be much higher because the living and eating habits changes in recent years accounting for more and more obesity.
Other serious complications coming from Diabetes also include diabetic eye disease, foot disease, phthisis, diabetic neuropathy and some others.
How Diabetes and Diabetic Nephropathy Affects Our Lives
Diabetes affects multiple organs throughout the whole body. Advanced Diabetes is responsible for several serious complications such as heart disease, stroke, diabetic eye disease, diabetic neuropathy, and diabetic kidney disease, also known as Diabetic Nephropathy.
Diabetic renal disease (Diabetic Nephropathy) is a long-term as well as most serious complication coming from the disease. The disease results from the direct vascular abnormalities that accompany Diabetes and accounts for more and more death of ESRD (End-stage Renal Disease). There are three stages of diabetic kidney disease. The first stage is called chronic renal insufficiency, second stage: CRF (Chronic Renal Failure) and the advanced stage is ESRD.
Why would Diabetes cause Diabetic Nephropathy?
Elevated blood glucose occurs in people with Diabetes Mellitus results in the raised chemicals in the kidneys, which is responsible for proteinuria. Persistent albuminuria not only speeds up the glomerulosclerosis, but also impairs the charge barrier in glomeruli. Normally speaking, microalbuminuria is usually the first sign in people who develop Diabetic Nephropathy. If left untreated or undetected, the Malb develops to proteinuria (albuminuria). Long-time albuminuria aggravates the damage of glomeruli and accounts for decreased kidney function.
Since proteinuria greatly affects the kidneys, stop the leakage of proteinuria should be a significant move. Hold it, think it over. The albuminuria comes from Diabetes, and then controlling the primary disease should be a bigger picture. How? Controlling the levels of blood sugar (glucose) is vital. Besides, quitting smoking and cut the drink amount down is helpful. Here, I’d like to give several tips for Diabetic patients; also, those suggestions are accessible for those who are at a high risk of developing the disease or its complications.
Keep your blood sugar in check. If you have Diabetes Mellitus, checking the blood glucose in every single day is strongly recommended. Controlling the blood sugar should always be your first principle.
People with diabetes mellitus are often overweight. Therefore, shed pounds is pretty necessary and also one effective approach for whatever those with Diabetes or not.
Taking the blood pressure under control means a lot. High blood pressure is an independent risk factor for not only diabetics but also people with hypertension. If one suffers from any kind of kidney disease, then high blood pressure would speed up the illness progression.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Why Does a Diabetic's Face Get Puffy
In some cases, the patients with Diabetes may get puffy in face. The puffiness usually can last for a long or very short period. Why the patients with Diabetes suffer from puffiness in face? Is it related to other health problem?
In fact, puffiness in face for Diabetes patients is mainly attributable to the following factors:
① If the blood glucose is controlled poorly, it will cause osmotic diuresis which can restrain the reabsorption of sodium. After the patients begin to use insulin, it will improve the sugar metabolism and eliminate the factors that promote the excretion of sodium. Hence, it will cause retention of fluid and sodium.
② High blood glucose level can cause more antidiuretic hormones to be produced thus resulting in puffiness in face.
③ Long-term high glucose can improve the permeability of blood capillaries. It is also a cause of puffiness in Diabetes.
④ Insulin can act on kidneys directly and stimulate the reabsorption of sodium and fluid thus resulting in puffiness in face.
The above cases are caused by the use of insulin. In that case, the puffiness only last for 4 to 6 days. However, if it lasts over time, it may be related to kidney damage and the patients need to go for further examination.
Kidney damage is commonly seen in patients with Diabetes, especially those with over 10 year’s disease history. As filters (glomeruli) in kidneys are damaged, they will not be able to filter blood normally. On one hand, as the filters are damaged, a mass of proteins will leak into urine. When the protein level in blood declines, the fluid will infiltrate into subcutaneous tissue thus causing puffiness. On the other hand, as kidneys are damaged, it will cause retention of fluid and sodium.
Therefore, if the patients with Diabetes have long-lasting puffiness, they should primarily find its clear cause and then take relative treatment.
Diabetes can Cause Brain Disease
It has been proved in clinical research that inadequate insulin or hyperinsulinemia will cause bad damage to the cognitive function from different aspects.
Inadequate insulin will cause high blood glucose level. Long-term Chronic High Blood Glucose Level will make the capillary basement membrane thicken, leading to narrow capillary cavity. Plus the metabolic disorder of fat, blood viscosity state will become more serious, and blood speed will slow down, the blood flow in the brain will reduce. It’s found in study that if the blood flow in the brain reduces, the process of brain identifying, organizing and ordering information will be badly affected, little by little, the response ability and handling ability will degrade, at last, patients will find the damage to their cognitive function. There is no doubt that high blood glucose level will accelerate the onset of senile dementia.
Hyperinsulinemia is one of the typical symptoms in Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 2 Diabetes, those patients who have Hyperinsulinemia or depend on insulin injection often suffer from low blood glucose. If blood glucose level declines, a series of response will occur due to severe fluctuation of blood glucose levels. when blood glucose level is lower than 3.0 mmol/l, there will be damage to the cognitive function. Besides, low spirit will be caused due to low blood glucose level, such as anxiety, depression and the fear to the low glucose level. Such low spirit will affect the control of blood glucose level. The reoccurrence of low glucose level will aggravate the damage to the cognitive function.
Friday, November 23, 2012
How to Prevent Infection of Diabetic Patients?
When the Diabetic patients have injuries on the skin, bacterium, mycete and other pathogenic bacteria will invade and cause infection. Foot is a favorite place for parasitic bacteria and microorganism because the shoes supply a superior living environment for their living. Therefore, when your foot has injuries, ulcer, cut wound etc, do take active measures to prevent infection. Foot ulcer is the biggest source of infection. When foot ulcer develop into foot infection, the microorganism will go deep into the skin and bone tissue, then a deep eyelet will be formed. When the infection goes deeper and broader, it may lead to amputation.
Symptom: After the ulcer is infected, there will appear fever, red and swollen, fever around the wound, and some discharge and puruloid will leak out.
The doctor will have a blood test for you to make it clear about your blood sugar level and white blood cell. X ray may be also needed to check whether the bones have been infected. If the infection is not so severe, ambulatory treatment can treat it well, but it should be treated every 2-3 days for about one week. Most infection will be improved in a few days. But if your soft tissue is infected, antibiotics may be needed for about 2 weeks. If the infections have gone deep into the bones, antibiotics may be needed for 6 weeks or much longer.
Except antibiotics, in order to heal the ulcer, sometimes a layer of healthy tissues may be covered on the ulcer.
Attention: don’t walk with your infected foot. If you want to move around, draw help from the walking stick or wheel chair. If the foot is swelling, you should lift up the foot.
Prevention: do make sure the foot clean and dry in order not to infect the foot. The doctor may suggest to have Antibiotic Ointment or solution to treat ulcer. Moreover, have the blood sugar in the normal level. Diabetic patients should actively prevent infection to avoid the pain that may brings.
You Should Pay Attention on Few Diabetes Symptoms
It is known worldwide that diabetes may be a dangerous disease if not taken care of properly under medical attention. The factors that cause it happen are many but some symptoms of the disease could be dangerous if not paid proper attention. Following are some symptoms that you should pay attentions to avoid future difficulties.
Water and More Water
Drinking water is medically as well as hygienically helpful for body but what if the water intakes cross the limit than required? When you feel abnormal urge to quench your thirst, drinking water more than normal quantity, may possibly lead you under the attack of diabetes.
Chronic Fatigue
How many times did you feel tiredness even when after taking full rest? If the problem persists for longer itand#146;s high time to call doctor and get your symptoms have some medical attentions. Tiredness could be caused by either your body cells donand#146;t generate enough sugar essential for energy or your body has become unyielding to respond the insulin.
Visual problems
Can't see things standing before eyes, clearly? Do you need specs to clear your eyesight? Do you feel that you are having blurred vision? Symptoms like that could ring the bell of diabetes symptoms. During diabetes there is fluctuation of glucose level in eyes causing them being shrunk and swollen with subsequent effect of having blurred vision.
Abnormal Appetite
You have just eaten your food and after few minutes of time, you feel an urge to eat again! This is not good as the symptom may signal that you are getting diabetes. Consistent eating beyond the required level is also one of the possible signs of diabetes attack. Go for doctor.
Increased urination
When you feel strong urge to go for urination constantly, you should be alert of that as it is the sign of diabetes. The affected person must seek immediate medical assistance because if the problem persists longer it may cause dehydration.
Cramping sensation in leg
If you experience never felt cramping sensation in your leg it will show that you are under attack of diabetes. Unfortunately, this is the sign of long term medical problems of diabetes which we call neuropathy. This doesn’t show its symptoms immediately in patients, it rather takes almost five years of time to develop in person.
Lastly, if you observe that some minor disease like skin infections, itchiness and wounds don't heal even after proper medication then it could be a sign of diabetes. In our body, the white cells are responsible for healing the wounds against infections. During diabetes these white cells stop functioning well making you more vulnerable to air borne infectious disease.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Diabetes:Life Expectancy and Treatment
Diabetes is the leading cause of End Stage Renal Failure, accounting for 44% of new cases of dialysis. Can the patients' life expectancy be prolonged by dialysis? What is the accurate life expectancy of people with Diabetes on dialysis?
In fact, there is no a general life expectancy for it is determined by many factors. However, dialysis can bring more risks to patients with Diabetes. In other words, their mean life is shorter than those without Diabetes.
1. The patients with Diabetes are usually accompanied by cardiovascular diseases. Once CCr is below 10~15ml/min, it is hard to control their blood pressure. Dialysis can cause frequent fluctuation of blood pressure for reduced blood volume, hyperfiltration etc, thus aggravating cardiovascular diseases.
2. For vascular diseases, the arteriovenous fistula is susceptible to fail. This will certainly impair their blood vessels.
3. Diabetes is usually complicated with autonomic neuropathy. Therefore, hypotension is commonly seen among the patients on dialysis.
Treatment for Diabetics--We suggest you to use Micro-Chinese Medicine first. Micro-Chinese Medicine could be targeted at the damaged renal tissue directly through physical osmosis. In the process of treating kidney disease, the active substances of Micro-Chinese Medicine play the following effects mainly: first, dilate the blood vessels to improve the partial microcirculation of kidney. Second, anti-inflammation. Third, anticoagulation, anti blood viscosity, and prevent the thrombus from formation. Forth, degrade the formation of extracellular matrix (ECM). So, the Micro-Chinese Medicine realizes the three big purposes of block, repair, and restore. As long as the damaged renal tissue can be repaired fully, satisfied therapeutic effects can be achieved.
Natural Remedy for Diabetes
Diabetes is a systemic disorder, which can involve the organs and systems through the whole body such as feet, eyes, kidney, skin. When foamy urine, swelling feet&legs occur, it may imply the kidney has been involved.
When the nephrons fail to work adequately, the proteins will pass through the filteration membrane in kidney and end up in urine. In early stage of Diabetes Kidney Disease, the patients only present with a small amount
Insulin is commonly used to control blood glucose level in Diabetes. However, long-term insulin use can cause a series of side effects on body such as weight gain, skin infections, ametropia etc. A natural remedy will be recommended to the patients with Diabetes.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been applied to treat Diabetes and has showed a remarkable curative effect. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative application of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The effective ingredients are mainly composed of herbs high in nutrients and antioxidants. It plays the following roles in treating Diabetes:
1. It is extremely beneficial to optimize serum lipids by lowering LDL and raising HDL.
2. It can stimulate insulin secretion thus lowering blood glucose level
3. Reduce glycated hemoglobin level
4. It can reduce serum cholesterol and low density lipoprotein
5. It can provide essential nutrients such as vitamin, amino acid etc. So it can relieve fatigue, stress, general weakness etc.
After the above systemic treatment, the blood glucose level will be controlled very well and the patients will avoid developing other complications of Diabetes such as Diabetic Foot, Diabetic Nephropathy etc.
Diabetes is a chronic disease. Besides a proper treatment, the patients should also pay more attention daily care. Here some home remedies will be recommended to the patients.
1. The patients should eat at least 300 grams of the following fruits including tomatoes and oranges. However, if they have renal damage, they should remove oranges from their diet.
2. They should include bitter melon in their diet. It can keep the level of blood glucose in control and benefit the management of the disease.
3. One home remedy is also effective in controlling blood glucose level. The patients can put some black raisins in water for a night. Next morning strain the water and drink the clear water.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Nephrotic Syndrome: Are You Sick of Hormone Side Effects on Your Children
Nephrotic Syndrome can occur at any age among children, but it is most common between the ages of 1.5 and 5 years. It can damage the filters in kidneys thus causing protein in urine. If uncontrolled, it is very likely to progress into Chronic Kidney Disease and finally Renal Failure. Therefore, the parents should have their children treated effectively as early as possible.
Hormone is mainly used to treat Nephrotic Syndrome in children. Mostly, symptoms can relieve after a period of hormone treatment. However, when the dosage of hormone is reduced, the disease is at high risk of relapsing. What’s worse, long-term hormone use has huge side effects on children.
Hormone can suppress the bone growth and cause osteoporosis, which can prevent children’s development and growth. Therefore, many children may have short stature.
The parents may find their children have mental changes. The children are not able to control their own moods. That is because hormone can stimulate the nerves system.
Infections are very commonly seen in children with Nephrotic Syndrome who keep a long-term hormone therapy. Hormone can suppress the immunity. As a result, the virus and bacteria is more likely to invade into the body.
In addition, moon-shaped faces, sugar urine and even Diabetes etc can be seen among children.
To make the children develop and growth healthily like other children, many patients are seeking for a therapy free from side effects.
In China, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is used to treat the disease. TCM originates ancient China. Through thousands of years’ development, its curative effects have been enhanced significantly with the help of modern diagnosis and treatment technology.
The integrants in TCM are mainly natural herbs, minerals, parts of animal bones etc. Every formula is composed of various kinds of herbs in certain dosages. This can guarantee the effectiveness and safety of the medicines.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Nephrotic Syndrome:Nursing Care Tips in Daily Life
The following measures to improve the absorption of calcium:
1. Vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium in intestinal tract. They can have some foods rich in vitamin D.
2. Proteins are beneficial to the absorption of calcium. However, for the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should limit protein intake strictly. Therefore, they can keep proper intake of high-quality protein supply.
3. The 7-dehydrocholesterol in skin can convert to vitamin D thus promoting the bone development. Therefore, the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome on hormone should often bask in the sun.
4. Limit the intake of foods high in fat because the non-esterified fatty acid can combine with calcium thus decreasing the calcium level in body.
5. Excess alcohol and nicotine can affect the absorption of calcium. Therefore, the patients should quit smoking and drinking.
Nursing Care for Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome in Daily Life:
* Rest and activity: If the patients experience severe anasarca and even ascites, they must stay in bed and keep a reclining posture. The patients should take systemic joint motions with the help of nursing personnel to prevent anchylosis and spasm as well as thrombus formation. However, if the patients are complicated with high blood pressure, they should limit their activity. After the swelling relives, they can take moderate indoor activity. When the protein in urine is less than 2g/d, they can take proper outdoor activity, but they should avoid intense activities like running, jumping, lifting heavy things and so on.
* Nursing care on diet: The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should manage their diet with strict restrictions. The diet should improve their nutrition condition, but does not cause excess burden to their kidneys.
Protein: High protein intake can cause much burden to their kidneys. Therefore, low-protein diet is recommended to the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome. High quality protein refers to the animal protein rich in essential acid amino. The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should keep their protein intake with 1g/ (Kg.d). However, when they suffer Renal Insufficiency, they should adjust their protein intake based on the creatinine clearance rate.
Calorie: The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should keep adequate calorie supply and it should not less than 126~147 KJ/ (kg.d).
Fat: To relieve hyperlipidaemia, the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should reduce the foods abundant of saturated fatty acid like animal fat and should have more foods with high polyunsaturated fatty acid such as vegetable oil and fish oil and foods rich in soluble fiber like oat.
Nursing Intervention for Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic Syndrome is commonly seen among preschool children. It is featured with an amount of protein in urine and swelling. In severe case, for severe swollen legs, the children may not be able to walk or stand for too long. So, how to relieve the swelling?
1. Rest and activity
If the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have serious swelling, they are recommended to stay in bed until the swelling eliminates.
2. Diet
* The patients should have a tight limitation of foods high in proteins as excessive protein intake can aggravate proteinuria. However, as Nephrotic Syndrome is complicated with hyperlipemia, the patients should keep a certain amount of quality(1g/kg per body weight) protein intake such as fish, egg white, milk, lean meat, etc.
* They are suggested to reduce daily salt intake to 3~5 g. Also, it is necessary for them to regulate the intake based on the edema degree and blood sodium concentration.
* As for hyperlipemia, the patients should reduce the consumption of foods loaded in saturated fatty acid for it can increase the cholesterol concentration.
* As the patients limit the intake of proteins, it is very likely to cause malfunction. To guarantee sufficient energy, the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should keep ample calorie intake.
* Limiting water and salts intake is an important part in nursing intervention of the disease. Extra salt intake can increase the retention of sodium and fluid, thus aggravating edema.
3.Skin care
Serious edema stretches the skin and eventually is likely to cause skin injury. Therefore, the patients should avoid skin trauma.
In addition, weak immunity renders the patients at high risk of infections. It is very important for the patients to keep away from trigging factors of infections.
If the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome are in remission, the above nursing interventions will reduce the relapse of the disease significantly.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Treatment for FSGS in Nephrotic Syndrome
FSGS in Nephrotic Syndrome is an difficult condition to treat. Conventionally, the patients mainly rely on hormone,immunosuppressive agents and cytoxic drugs to control blood pressure, cholesterol and heavy protein loss in urine etc. Some people will have remission after a period of treatment and return a normal life. However, it is susceptible to relapse. When they reduce hormone dosage or encounter infections, it will flare again. Besides these conventional treatments for FSGS in Nephrotic Syndrome, is there a better therapy for the condition.
FSGS is medical condition, in which the immune system attacks the kidney filtering system mistakenly.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy play the following roles in treating FSGS.
1. It can degrade the immune deposits in glomeruli and make them dissolve in blood. Finally, the immune deposits will be filtered out of body through systemic circulation.
2. It can regulate immune system and suppress the abnormal immune response. Hence, it can prevent the formation of immune complexes again.
3. The effective ingredients can activate the DNA replication of impaired kidney tissues and cells, thus promoting the regeneration of new renal tissues and cells. As a result, the renal function will have a remarkable improvement.
However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can not eliminate the circulatory immune complexes in blood. For this part of harmful substances, blood filtration is needed to remove them out of body.
Immunotherapy can suppress the inflammatory response effectively and rapidly. Therefore, it can stop further damage to renal functional cells and tissues.
It can clear up the immune deposits in kidneys and immune complexes in blood by the combination application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and blood purification techniques. Hence, it can eliminate the inducing causes of inflammatory response in kidneys.
It aims at controlling symptoms by restoring the impaired renal tissues and cells. Therefore, the patients' renal function will have a significant improvement.
It can rebuild the patients' immune system and recover the normal immune function. Hence, it can prevent immune injury to kidneys again. In this way, it stop the relapse of the disease again.
How to Treat Edema of Nephrotic Syndrome
Edema is a common complication of Nephrotic Syndrome. In serious case, the fluid may collect in lung, blood vessels and every part in body, which can cause difficult breath and even heart failure.and it is attributable to two causes:
Firstly, the malfunctioned kidney fail to filter extra fluid and sodium from blood, thus leading to retention of fluid and sodium.
Secondly, the filtering system is damaged. Thus, the protein leak into urine and cause low protein level in blood. The fluid in blood filter into tissues, leading to edema.
1.Limiting intake of salts and fluid is an important part in relieving edema. The patients are recommended to reduce salts intake to 3~5 g/d. Also, they need to regulate the salt intake based on the edema degree and potassium concentration in blood.
2. Usually, diuretic drugs are prescribed to the patients. They can promote the secretion of fluid, thus relieving retention of fluid and sodium.
3.If the patients suffer from serious edema, they are recommended to stay in bed until edema disappears.
4. As edema is very likely to cause high blood pressure or aggravate it, the patients are usually prescribed with ACEI and ARB drugs to control blood pressure. Also, these drugs has certain effect in preserving renal function.
5.Edema is attributable to heavy protein loss in urine. High protein intake can increase the production of urea to put more strain on kidney. The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome are recommended to limit protein intake to 1 g/kg per body weight.
6. Hormone and immunosuppressive drugs can suppress the fierce immune inflammatory response to restrict the leakage of protein into urine. Therefore, they can relieve edema to some extent.
The therapy for edema should be aiming at restoring the impaired kidney and rebuilding the structure of filtering system. If these treatment goals are achieved, the edema and relative symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome will disappear gradually.
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