Thursday, November 22, 2012

Natural Remedy for Diabetes

Diabetes is a systemic disorder, which can involve the organs and systems through the whole body such as feet, eyes, kidney, skin. When foamy urine, swelling feet&legs occur, it may imply the kidney has been involved.

When the nephrons fail to work adequately, the proteins will pass through the filteration membrane in kidney and end up in urine. In early stage of Diabetes Kidney Disease, the patients only present with a small amount

Insulin is commonly used to control blood glucose level in Diabetes. However, long-term insulin use can cause a series of side effects on body such as weight gain, skin infections, ametropia etc. A natural remedy will be recommended to the patients with Diabetes.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been applied to treat Diabetes and has showed a remarkable curative effect. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative application of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The effective ingredients are mainly composed of herbs high in nutrients and antioxidants. It plays the following roles in treating Diabetes:

1. It is extremely beneficial to optimize serum lipids by lowering LDL and raising HDL.

2. It can stimulate insulin secretion thus lowering blood glucose level

3. Reduce glycated hemoglobin level

4. It can reduce serum cholesterol and low density lipoprotein

5. It can provide essential nutrients such as vitamin, amino acid etc. So it can relieve fatigue, stress, general weakness etc.

After the above systemic treatment, the blood glucose level will be controlled very well and the patients will avoid developing other complications of Diabetes such as Diabetic Foot, Diabetic Nephropathy etc.

Diabetes is a chronic disease. Besides a proper treatment, the patients should also pay more attention daily care. Here some home remedies will be recommended to the patients.

1. The patients should eat at least 300 grams of the following fruits including tomatoes and oranges. However, if they have renal damage, they should remove oranges from their diet.

2. They should include bitter melon in their diet. It can keep the level of blood glucose in control and benefit the management of the disease.

3. One home remedy is also effective in controlling blood glucose level. The patients can put some black raisins in water for a night. Next morning strain the water and drink the clear water.

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