Friday, January 11, 2013

Natural Remedy for ADPKD

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) covers the majority of the total population of people with Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). As many people know the ending of the disease from their parents’ experience, they are very eager to seek for an effective therapy to stop the progression of ADPKD. Here a natural remedy will introduce the patients with ADPKD.

In the western medicine, the patients usually use surgery or LRCD to eliminate the large cyst. Of course, these treatment methods can delay the progression of the disease temporarily and relieve the symptoms like pain, high blood pressure etc. However, once the big cysts are removed, the left ones will grow up at a fast speed to oppress the kidneys again. What the patients with ADPKD should primarily do is to stop the enlargement of all the cysts growing on kidneys, but not a single one.

A natural remedy---Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied to treat ADPKD and has showed its enormous effect.

Many foreigners are not familiar with this therapy, but many of them must have heard about Chinese herbal medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative application of Chinese herbal medicine.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external therapy. The well-chosen medicines are shattered into powder and then are packed in bags made of special material. Then with the help of modern instrument, the effective medicine integrants will be able to be permeated into the kidney lesions directly from kidney area.

Then the effective medicine can work on the cysts and promote the resorption ability of the lining wall of the cysts. As a result, the cysts will stop growing and shrinking gradually.

Moreover, the medicine can dilate blood vessels to improve systemic blood circulation and increase the blood and nutrients supply to kidneys. Therefore, it can promote the self-repairing of the impaired renal functional cells due to oppression of the enlarged cysts.

After the above systemic treatment, the cysts will be able to stop growing and shrink gradually. In this way, the patients with ADPKD will be able to avoid developing Renal Failure completely.


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