Monday, December 10, 2012

What Are the Chance of MCD Progressing into FSGS

MCD mainly occurs in children, accounting for 80% cases. It has a favorable prognosis and approximately 90% of the patients are sensitive to hormone. However, its relapse rate is as high as 60%. The patients with frequent relapse are susceptible to develop hormone-resistance or hormone-dependence. MCD can be reversed completely by early and proper treatment. Conversely, if the patients experience frequent relapses, the disease is much likely to turn into Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis and FSGS.

FSGS is a very hard condition to manage. It is reported that the patients will develop Renal Failure within 5~10 years once they are confirmed with the disease. In FSGS, a large part of glomeruli(filters) in kidneys are sclerotic and lose their normal filtering and barrier function. Thereby, a large amount of protein pass through glomeruli, ending up in urine.

So how to prevent MCD from progressing into FSGS?

If the patients with MCD are insensitive to hormone or suffer from frequent episodes, they should seek for an alternative therapy immediately to stop the disease progression.

Immunotherapy is the state-of-the-art therapy for MCD and FSGS. It treats disease aiming at enhancing or suppressing immune response. The ways of immunotherapy used in treating the disease include:

Monoclonal antibody

Monoclonal antibody can bind to and inhibit the activation of T cells to restrain over-reactive immune inflammatory response. In this way, it can rapidly stop further immune injury to kidneys.

Blood purification

Blood purification can clear up the dissociative pathological antibodies,antigens, immune complexes as well as inflammatory factors and harmful substances. Thus, it can stop them from depositing in kidneys further.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Blood purification only works for the harmful substances in blood, but the immune deposits still remain in kidneys to cause damage to kidneys. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can degrade the immune deposits in kidneys and make them dissolve in blood. Finally, the immune complexes will be filtered by kidneys completely. Also, it can correct immune dysregulation. By this way, the disease will be controlled from its underlying cause.

If MCD is inhibited from progressing, the patients will avoid developing FSGS completely.

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