Monday, December 24, 2012

Live with Kidney Transplant

How long people live with kidney transplant mainly depends on matching quality, the age of donator and working efficiency chance of transplanted kidney.

Matching quality

The key to long-time live is from a kidney which is closest with your blood and tissue, that is expected to the least rejection from you own body. The closer the relation between donator and receptor, the better the matching quality. Generally, kidney from living donators lasts longer than that from dead ones. Therefore the best choice for long-term working of transplanted kidney is from your biological family members, then others who are willing to offer his or her organ, and eventually deceased.

Age of donator

New discovery reveals that kidney transplant lifespan depends on more donator’s age than receptor’s age. For the reason that, aging and renal aging are associated with changes in the genes expressed in the body, and that process of change is lifelong and that a possible new target in improving graft survival should include looking at strategies that may alter programmed aging in donor transplanted kidneys.

Working chance of donated kidney

Working efficiency chance of donated kidney at the set time point is another factor which affects the lifespan with kidney transplant. Here a chart for your reference.
Working efficiency chance years after transplant  
90% one year
60% five years
50% ten years
Form this view, younger patients may need twice or more times of kidney transplant. If the kidneys they received fail, they need to restart their dialysis and go back to waiting list.

Each year the number in waiting list grows in a large degree and many patients who have registered for kidney transplant passed away during their waiting for donator. So patients who are undergoing long-term waiting are advised to look for effective therapies to repair their renal function. As long as you still remain renal function, namely you can perform urination, there is hope for your remedy.



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