Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tips for ESRD Patients: How to Live Well with Your New Kidneys

Patients face a choice as the illness progresses to ESRD (End-stage Renal Disease). They have to choose one to sustain their lives: dialysis or kidney transplantation. Compared with kidney transplantation, dialysis takes effects instantly but couldn’t deal with the kidney problem completely just sustain one’s life. Unlike dialysis, the kidney transplantation has a long way to go but is able to solve the problem one at a time. That explains why people would rather wait for years to receive a new kidney than count on dialysis for the rest of their lives.

Statistics collected reports that survival rate of kidney transplantation after one year is 95.2%; the number begins to slip three years later after the surgery: 85.3%; it drops to 74.2% five years later; and finally, the number bottoms out to 59.1% one decade after.

The influencing factors of kidney transplantation include chronic rejection, the recipient’s physical condition and some other factors. By taking proper measures to ensure they are live well with their new kidneys:

Rest up is vital. It is especially true for those who have just performed the surgery. The hospitalization and surgery make the patients exhausted, besides, they are pretty weak after the surgery. Rest can help them regain energy and get recovery soon.

Proper exercises are good. Taking mild exercises after the transplantation can be helpful. I strongly recommend stroll. Of course, some household chores is optional too, just don’t lift heavy within two months after the surgery.

Diet restriction is necessary for the patients who suffer from hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia or hypertension etc. All because a long-term hyperuricemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia or hypertension will increase the incidence of renal transplantation complications, or even affect their life span.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

CKD and High Blood Pressure May Lead to Death

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and high blood pressure is closely associated with each other. They interplay with each other and on whatever condition, will related with Renal Failure somehow.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a growing health problem throughout the world. According to the statistics collected, 1 in 6 individuals has CKD. Approximately no less than 8 million people have CKD stage III or ever higher. Chronic Kidney Disease accounts for more and more new cases of End-stage Renal Disease as time pass by.

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension refers to one’s blood pressure exceeds 140/90mmHg without taking any kind of medications. High blood pressure can be primary or secondary. Primary blood pressure refers to the elevated BP caused by no reason, while secondary hypertension means that the raised BP is induced by many other factors, for example, Chronic Kidney Disease.

Hypertension is closely connected with CKD. On one hand, elevated BP results in renal damage; and kidney problems lead to boosted BP the other way round. Evidence-based data reveals that no less than 26.8% of hypertension every single year leads to ESRD. Chronic renal disease raises the risk of early death, heart attack, stroke and bone disease. It eventually progresses to Chronic Renal Failure or ESRD. CKD causes rising BP and elevated blood pressure causes CKD. When the disease progresses to Chronic Renal Failure, 80%-100% of the patients would complicated with HBP. If left untreated, the medical condition will progress and then vicious circles forms. Here gives a kind reminder: if you have HBP, regular visiting the doctor is necessary. It can help you detect the early renal damage and stop it in the very early stage. while if you have chronic renal disease, then measure your blood pressure from time to time is vital to the progression.

Friday, March 15, 2013

What are the Causes of High Creatinine and Low Hemoglobin in Diabetes

Among people with Diabetes who consult our online experts, many of them are suffering from high Creatitine level and low hemoglobin level. And they often have no idea why this happens. In this article, we would like to explain the reasons in detail so that you can be clear about the causes as well as the corresponding treatment.


Creatinine is the waste that develops from the metabolism of the muscle, which is transported in the blood to the kidneys where it is then filtered and excreted from the body in urine. The typical reference ranges are 0.5~1.0mg/dL (about 45-90μmol/l) for women and 0.7~1.2 mg/dL (60-110μmol/l) for men.

Hemoglobin refers to a protein in red blood cells that carried oxygen. Normal result vary, but in general are 12.1~15.1gm/dL for female and 13.8~17.2gm/dL for male.

Causes of high creatinine and low hemoglobin in Diabetes

Your higher creatinine leve means that your kidneys have been damaged due to poor control of your disease and abnormal blood sugar levels. Diabetes can cause a breakdown of fat which causes a toxic acid called ketones to build up in the kidney. Without effective treatment, kidney damage may be caused, leading to high creatinine levels.

A low hemoglobin level is referred to as anemia or low red blood count. Anemia can be one complication of kidney disease. Our kidneys can secrete a type of hormone-erythropoietin, which can promote the production of RBCs. So this imply that your kidney may be impaired.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Progression of End-Stage Renal Failure

What is End-stage Renal Failure (ESRF)? ESRF or uremia refers to the advanced stage of kidney disease. Uremia describes a series of clinical symptoms of advanced kidney disease, when one’s medical condition progresses to End-stage Renal Failure, he or she almost loses the kidney function completely. Uremia appears as a result of the Renal Failure.

The early stage of ESRF or uremia is called Chronic Renal Failure. The diving line of different stages of Renal Failure is based on the GFR (glomerular filtration rate). When one’s GFR is less than 15%, the medical definition is called ESRF. While one’s GFR is less than 30% but over 15%, it is called Chronic Renal Failure (CRF). It can be said that CRF is the prelude of ESRF. By experiences, the reduction of GFR from 30% to 15%, sometimes, is just a momentary matter.
Therefore, once the disease condition progresses to Chronic Renal Failure, the patients should be extremely careful to the treatment received. Otherwise the illness condition can progress to End-stage Renal Failure promptly even before you know it.

By clinical experience, the reduction of GFR can happen within several days or months. That’s why Renal Failure is regarded as the prelude of advanced kidney disease.

I sincerely recommend you to take timely treatment as early as possible. In the early stage of CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease), for example, CKD stage 2, there still stands a chance to reverse it if take immediate as well as correct treatment. If failed, the Renal Failure is awaiting you on the road ahead.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

There are three main types of Diabetes Mellitus:

1. Type 1 Diabetes

It takes about 5~10% of people with diabetes. This kind of disease is an autoimmune disease. The body's own immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Patients with type 1 diabetes have very little or no insulin. This condition is typically diagnosed in children and young adults.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

Accounting for 90~95% of those with diabetes. Usually, it's diagnosed in adults over age 40 and 80% of those with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Initially, in this case, insulin is produced, but insulin doesn't function properly, resulting in a condition called insulin resistance. Eventually, decreased insulin production occurs in most patients.

3. Gestational Diabetes

This type develops during pregnancy, and occurs more often in African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos and people with a family history of diabetes.
Common signs and symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus include:

● Increased urination frequency

● Excess thirst

● Weight loss

● Excessive hunger

● Sudden changes of vision

● Numbness in the hands and feet

● Fatigue, or tiredness

● Very dry skin

● More susceptible to infections than usual

● Sores that are slow to heal

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Reduce High Creatinine Levels with Herbal Remedy

Creatinine is a waste product produced by the muscles through normal contraction. It passes through the kidneys to be filtered out through urination. When kidneys cannot work efficiently, as with kidney disease, creatinine levels will rise. Is there any herbal remedy which can reduce high creatinine levels?

Normal values

Typically, women have lower creatinine values than men, as women have less muscle mass. Women's normal creatinine levels fall between 0.5~1.1 mg/dL, while normal values for men are 0.6~1.2 mg/dL.

Elevated creatinine levels are found in kidney diseases, including glomerulonephritis, Renal Failure and Diabetic Nephropathy, etc.

Herbal remedy for high creatinine levels


It is a common household spice that helps regulate blood glucose as well as can be used to treat kidney problems especially in diabetics with kidney disorders. Cinnamon can help to improve the filtration function and to strengthen weak kidneys, thus increasing the excretion of creatinine.


This is known to be very helpful in treating kidney diseases by stimulating the circulation to the kidneys. Ginseng is often applied with cinnamon to revitalize the kidneys and to reduce high creatinine levels.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine is an conservative therapy for a wide range of kidney diseases. Chinese medicines are abstracted from herbal plants, so they have no side effects to human body. This is an external application, and patients suffer no pain. The whole process is just like a massage.
This Chinese herbal treatment can take effect to improve renal microcirculation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and degrade harmful substances. Moreover, it can provide rich micronutrients to speed up the kidney repair. With gradual recovery of kidney function, high creatinine levels can be brought to normal permanently.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Nephrotic Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) refers to a number of signs and symptoms resulting from damages to the tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) of the kidneys. This condition allows protein (normally never passed out into the urine) to leave the body in large amounts. A number of different kidney disorders are associated with Nephrotic Syndrome, including: Minimal Change Disease (MCD), FSGS, Membranous Nephropathy, Memebranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, etc.


Nephrotic Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. Our immune system is constituted of the innate immune system and the back-up immune system. When the innate immune system fails to fight against the intrusion of pathogenic substances, the back-up system will be activated. After the intrusion is removed, the back-up system will stop working and the innate immune system work alone.

However, if the innate immune system has some disorders, it may continue sending signals to the back-up system, and the back-up system cannot stop working, there will be excessive immune reaction. The immune complex will deposit on the kidneys, so the immune reaction will continue in the kidneys and cause damage to our healthy kidney cells. That's why people have Nephrotic Syndrome.


● Swelling (edema)

● Foamy, or bubbly urine

● Weight gain

● Lack of appetite

● Constant fatigue

● Blood clotting problems


Treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome depends on the underlying disorder. Medications like steroids are often used to dampen down the immune system. Specific medications are taken by patients to control high blood pressure and decrease swelling.

In Kidney Hospital China, immunotherapy is used to treat Nephrotic Syndrome from the root. This therapy may consist of:

● Brand new immunosuppressants

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy


● Immune clearance: immunosorption, plasmapheresis and blood purification

● No toxin or side effects-natural treatments.

● Prevention of recurrence-eliminate various symptoms and treat the disease from the root.

● Life quality improved-immunotherapy can enhance the body’s immune system and help to restore the immune function and improve the life quality.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hematuria( Blood in Urine)--the very First Sign of IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy, also called Berger's Disease can affect children commonly. Hematuria( blood in urine) is the very first sign of the disease.

Hematuria is a classic presentation of IgA Nephropathy which usually starts with a day or two of non-specific upper respiratory tract infection. The gross hematuria resolves after a few days, though microscopic hematuria may persist. These episodes occur on an irregular basis every few months and in most patients eventually subsides (although it can take many years. Then why is there blood in urine for people with IgA Nephropathy?

IgA Nephropathy is an immune-mediated disorder, in which the immuoglobulin A deposits in the mesangium. To remove these foreign materials, the body mounts an inflammation, thus impairing the mesangium in glomeruli. Thus, the red blood cells pass through the mesangium and finally end up in urine.

Apart from red blood cells in urine, the patients with IgA Nephropathy also experience the following symptoms.

Protein in urine

In a small portion of patients with IgA Nephropathy(20~30%), they have microscopic hematuria and proteinuria(less than 2 grams/day).

Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is related to a poor prognosis of IgA Nephropathy. In this disorder, more than 3.5 grams of protein loss in urine in 24 hours.

Renal Failure

It is either as a complication of frank hematuria or due to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. However, if early intervention treatment is adopted, the patients will avert developing Renal Failure.

Apart from IgA Nephropathy, there are also many causes of hematuria. So when you notice red blood cells in your urine, you need not feel panic. You should go to see a doctor to figure out its specific causes.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Are the Causes of Azotemia in Uremia

Azotemia is a common manifestation in Uremia. It refers to the levels of creatinine, uric acid and other non-protein nitrogen levels rise obviously above the normal levels. If uncontrolled, azotemia can cause serious adverse effects for the patients with Uremia. Therefore, it is very important to prevent azotemia. Primarily, it is essential for the patients with Uremia to know the causes of azotemia.

In Uremia, as the kidneys are damaged seriously, the renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decline obviously, which can affect the excretion function of kidneys. As a result, the nitrogen accumulates in blood stream resulting in azotemia.

Also the complication gastrointestinal hemorrhage of Uremia can aggravate the primary azotemia. On one hand, it can cause the systemic blood volume to decrease thus leading to renal ischemia and affecting the excretion function of kidneys. If the patients can blood flow insufficiency can be corrected in time, the symptoms of azotemia can relive to some extent. On other hand, gastrointestinal hemorrhage can lead to renal tubular necrosis and aggravate the primary kidney damage thus aggravating azotemia.

However, in some cases, if the patients have too much protein at a time. The kidneys can not discharge the metabolic product nitrogen thus leading to transient azotemia. Once they adjust their diet, the patients will recover normal. Therefore, the patients with Uremia should limit the protein intake strictly.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Are the Causes of Uremia in Children

Uremia is a medical disorder, in which excessive waste products building up in blood. It is a life-threatening disease which can commonly be seen in children. Therefore, it is very important for the parents have their children treated as early as possible. Firstly, it is essential for the parents to know the causes of uremia in children.

There are a number of causes of uremia. Typically, it is attributable to Acute Renal Failure or Chronic Renal Failure. As the kidneys can not operate efficiently, a mass of urea builds up in blood thus resulting in uremia in children. Also, children are also accompanied with electrolytes imbalance.

In addition, uremia also may develop because urea is not excreted out from body as quickly as before. This is usually caused by urinary tract blockage which can reduce urine excretion. Moreover, if the blood flow through kidneys reduces, it also can cause inefficient secretion of metabolic products from body. This is usually caused by cardiac failure or hypotension.

Moreover, Uremia may result from unhealthy lifestyle choices and certain types of traumas. If you children keep a too high consumption of proteins over time, it may cause excess urea to produce, which may attribute to uremia in children.
If you children have accidental trauma, surgery, infection or cancer, it may increase the protein breakdown thus resulting in increased urea in blood thus causing uremia.

To treat uremia effectively, you should firstly know its causes accurately.
If uremia of your child is caused by Renal Failure, you should have him/her treated immediately to restore the impaired kidneys. In some cases, uremia may be alleviated by eliminating the blockage in the urinary tract blockage. If uremia is attributable to specific diet, uremia in your children will be alleviated, if the daily diet is changed properly.

Through proper care and treatment addressing the underlying cause of uremia in your children, it is possible to treat the disorder effectively.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Why Patients with Uremia Suffer from Muscle Twitching

Muscle twitching is a common complication in Uremia patients. It is mainly caused by hypocalcemia. To avoid muscle twitching, the patients with Uremia should elevate blood calcium level. Therefore, it is very essential for the patients with Uremia to know the causes of hypocalcemia.

※ Diet: The patients with Uremia need to strict their daily diet resulting in insufficient vitamin D supplement.

※ Metabolic disorder of vitamin D: As the patients with Uremia lack 1α- hydroxylase,it can hinder the production of active vitamin D3 which can promote the absorption of calcium by intestines and stomach. As the vitamin D3 level decreases, the patients may suffer from hypocalcemia.

※ Hyperphophatemia: In Uremia, the patients’ glomerular filtration rate (GFR) declines. As a result, the phosphorus can not be secreted from blood normally resulting in high phosphorus level in blood. To keep the product of calcium and phosphorus stable, the calcium level in blood will decline.

Hypocalcemia can increase the neuromuscular excitability. If hypocalcemia is not serious, the patients only have numb, stabbing pain without obvious muscle twitching. If the calcium level can not be corrected, it will lead to serious hypocalcemia. In that case, the patients often have cramp in skeletal muscle and smooth muscle. For the patients with acidosis, although their serum calcium level declines, the free calcium level is not low, which can decrease the neuromuscular irritability. Therefore, although the blood calcium level decreases, the patients may not have muscle twitching. However, after the acidosis is corrected, muscle twitching may occur suddenly. Therefore, the patients should keep the calcium supplement when correcting acidosis.

There are various causes of muscle twitching in patients with Uremia. The patients should find the cause of the problem and then take relative treatment.

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Chinese Herbal Medicines Lower High Creatinine

How to lower High Creatinine level effectively in Kidney Disease? We all know that no matter what disease you get, if you can find its root cause and then treat the root cause primarily, the symptoms of the disease will disappear naturally. Therefore, you should know the cause of High Creatinine firstly.

Creatinine level is an important measurement in evaluating renal function. Creatinine is the breakdown product of muscle. In normal case, it is mainly excreted out of body by kidneys so it can keep a constant level in blood 45-90 μmol/L (about 0.5 to 1.0 mg/dL) for women and 60-110 μmol/L (about 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dL) for men. In Kidney Disease, when their kidneys are damaged, they will fail to filter blood normally. As a result, the creatinine will accumulate in blood. For the strong compensatory ability of kidneys, the creatinine level usually keeps within the normal range in the early stage of Kidney Disease and begins to rise when more than half of their kidneys are damaged.

As mentioned above, that kidneys are damaged is the root cause of high creatinine level. Therefore, if the kidneys are restored they will be able to recover their normal filtration ability and creatinine level will certainly decline.

Here Chinese herbal medicine is recommended. Chinese herbal medicine is a treasure in Chinese medical history. Its origination can be traced back to thousands of years ago. At present, not only Chinese still widely use herbal medicines, but many other countries like the United States, Australia and so on also regard it as an important part in disease treatment. Chinese herbal medicine is mainly composed of herb from the nature and it also includes insect, animal, mineral and so on. Every prescription consists of various kinds of integrants in certain dosages.

In repairing the damaged kidneys, Chinese herbal medicines can provide some micronutrients for self-renewing of the cells. Also it can also speed up DNA replication of the renal functional cells so as to promote the renal function recovery. In this way, the kidneys can improve their filtration ability so as to discharge the accumulated creatinine.

Moreover, Chinese herbal medicine can dilate blood vessels so as to improve blood circulation, which also can promote the excretion of creatinine.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Management and Treatment for Medullary Sponge Kidney

Medullary Sponge Kidney is a disorder featured with the dilation of collecting ducts. In about 10% cases, the patients will develop Chronic Kidney Disease and have to seek for intense treatment. Timely and proper treatment is very necessary for the patients with Medullary Sponge Kidney.

General treatment for Medullary Sponge Kidney

1. The incidence of urinary tract infections and renal calculi is very high in the condition. Even if the patients do not present with symptoms, they still should perform periodic urinalysis and abdominal radiographs.

2. Wilms tumor and other abdominal tumors are commonly seen in children with Medullary Sponge Kidney. The children should conduct regular surveillance for tumors.

3. Recurrent kidney stone and urinary tract infection are a major problem for the patients. Patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids in order to have a daily urinary output in excess of 2 L. Enough urinary output is helpful in eliminating the risk factors like calcium, citrate, uric acid, sodium, phosphate, etc.

4. The patients are suggested to increase the urinary pH to a maximum of 7.0-7.2. It can reduce the production of uric acid effectively. However, they should remember that overalkalinization can increase the formation of kidney stone.

5. If the patients with Medullary Sponge Kidney develop symptomatic kidney stones, ESWL, percutaneous surgery, or ureteroscopy should be administrated to remove the stone. Partial nephrectomy must be administrated in severe cases with segmental renal involvement.

Featured treatment for Medullary Sponge Kidney

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is administrated to treat the condition.
The effective medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has strong anti-inflammation effect. Therefore, it can reduce the incidence of urinary tract infection effectively and immediately.

Chinese medicines are rich in various types of minerals which can regulate electrolytes balance. By this way, the incidence of kidney stone will be reduced greatly.

Chinese medicines can stimulate the self-repairing system in body to improve the regeneration of damaged renal functional cells. Thus, the patients' renal function will have a remarkable improvement.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural remedy free of side effects or invasions or body. It is an alternative and effective therapy for Medullary Sponge Kidney.

Matters Need to be Paid Attention to after the Kidney Transplant

For the patients of renal failure who have taken the kidney transplant, the operation is not the end point for the treatment. As we all know, the kidney transplant means we need to transplant the kidney of other body into our body, so it is hard to avoid the rejection of the body, which means the immunity system reject the transplanted kidney and attract it. For some serious cases, the rejection may lead to the failure of the kidney transplant, which is rather dangerous. Therefore, there is a series of matters need to be paid attention to after the kidney transplant.

Misunderstanding of the kidney transplant

In recent years, with the development of the kidney transplant technique, there are thousands of patients of end stage of renal failure take the kidney transplant operation and then prolong their lives. For the learning of kidney transplant, there still are some misunderstandings. For example, some people think the kidney transplant is to resection the patient’s kidney then transplant the kidney of other body in the same position of the original kidney. And some patients think the kidney transplant will solve everything and they have nothing to worry about after the operation.

Indeed, kidney transplant is to transplant the donor’s kidney into the fossa iliaca in the right or life abdomen to replace one of the patient damaged kidneys. Usually, the operation doesn’t need to resect the damaged kidney of the receptor. After the kidney transplant, as the strong rejection of the immunity system to the transplanted kidney, most patients have to take the immunosuppressive agent for the whole life.

The function of immunosuppressive agent is to make the rejection to the transplanted kidney weaker. While, at the same time, the immunosuppressive agent also weakens the immunity ability, then the bacterium and infections will threaten the patients’ health due to the weaker immunity. So after the kidney transplant, the patients need to two major problems:

First, pay close attention to prevent the infection

Infections is one the most common and dangerous complications after the operation. During the three months after the operation, the immunity of the patients is the weakest due to the large amount of immunosuppressive agent. And various of bacterium, mould, virus will take advantage of the weak point. The common infections include the upper respiratory tract infection, urinary infection, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, herpes zoster and so on. Due to the poor immunity, and the patients are not sensitive to the antibiotic, so once the patients got infection, it is hard to be controlled.

In order to prevent from infection, hope the patients can pay attention to the following aspects:

1, exam the concentration of the immunosuppressive agent in the blood and then regulate the dosage of it. The large dosage will damage the immunity, while the small dosage will induce the rejection.

2, don’t got the public place where are too many people.

3, pay attention to the dietetic hygiene and avoid the stale and raw or cold food.

Second, the lifelong anti-rejection

After about half a year of various dangers, the patients may back to work and take proper business. With the decrease of the dosage of the immunosuppressive agent, the patients’ immunity will recover. At this time, the patients need to pay attention to the chronic rejection. The symptoms of chronic rejection can be reduced as “three highs and one low”: high level of creatinine, blood pressure and temperature and low level of urine volume. And there are the proteinuria, pain of the kidney and joint.

As there is no medicine can reverse the chronic rejection, the prognosis of the patients will worse once the chronic rejection started.

So it is important to make the good precaution of the chronic rejection.

1, follow the doctor’s advice strictly and don’t reduce the medicines by oneself. Reducing the medicine by oneself is the main cause for the chronic rejection.

2, avoid the over working, staying up late, catching cold, because virus and bacterial infections all can induce the chronic rejection. The patients who have taken the kidney transplant should develop the habit of taking a nap, which can guarantee of the blood supply of the kidney.

3, avoid the medicines that are harm for the kidney, such as gentamicin, kanamycin, neomycin and so on. And patients had better not inoculate the virus vaccine adjuvant.

4, be a good nurse for yourself. Observe the weight, blood pressure, urine volume regularly.

Indeed, kidney transplant is a complex and dangerous operation. If the patients still have other chance or opportunity, they should avoid the kidney transplant. This should be the last choice for the patients.

Does Colorless and Odorless Urine Indicate Kidney Problem

In normal case, the kidneys filter metabolic wastes, extra fluid as well as salts (electrolytes) from body by producing urine. The healthy urine is light yellow with ammoniacal smell. Does colorless and odorless urine indicate kidney problem?

Colorless urine no or little color means very dilute urine. If you have a large amount of fluid intake, it may exceed the concentration ability of renal tubule. As a result, the urine will become colorless and odorless. However, if you control the fluid intake, the urine color and odor will recover normal. It is a normal condition.

Ammoniacal smell is attributable to the decomposition of urea in urine by bacteria. Urea is the metabolic products of proteins and they are filtered out of body by kidneys. However, if your kidneys can not work adequately, the urea will build up in your blood, thus resulting in increased BUN.

If the colorless and odorless urine is related to kidney problem, you may also present with the following symptoms.

Swelling: As the extra fluid can not be excreted by kidneys, they will accumulate in body, thus resulting in swelling in legs, feet, and eyelids in the morning. High blood pressure often occurs along with swelling.

Fatigue: The diseased kidneys are not able to produce a hormone called erythropoietin, thus resulting in anemia. It can make you feel tired all day long with pale face.

Poor appetite: The toxins in body can affect gastrointestinal tract, thus resulting in poor appetite. In severe case, you may experience vomiting and nausea.

Increased urination at night: If your renal tubule is involved, they will not able to concentrate urine, thus resulting in increased urination at night. You should notice if you go to toilet more frequently than before. Also, in some cases, the patients with kidney problem have reduced urine output.

As there are various causes for colorless and odorless urine, you should not feel panic. What you should do is to find out if it is related to kidney problem and take relative treatment to control it.

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Can Patients with Diabetes Receive Kidney Transplant

In recent years, Kidney Transplant success rate has increased greatly for the application of immunosuppressive drugs. For the patients with End Stage Renal Failure, Kidney Transplant is the main replacement therapy for them. However, for the special disease conditions of Diabetes, the patients with End Stage Renal Failure caused by Diabetes generally are not recommended to receive Kidney Transplant.

1. After Kidney Transplant, the patients need to use a large dosage of adrenal cortex hormonem. It can make it very difficult to control blood sugar.

2. The patients with Diabetes are usually complicated with neurogenic cystitis, which can influence the function of transplanted kidneys.

3. The immunity of the patients with Diabetes is usually very weak. Therefore, it is very likely for them to have infection thus decreasing the success rate of Kidney Transplant.

4. The patients with Diabetes are often accompanied by serious vascular diseases, which can shorten the life expectancy of the patients.

5. The blood vessels condition of the patients with Diabetes is usually bad. It can cause influence on the operation of Kidney Transplant.

6. If the patients can not control their blood sugar very well after Kidney Transplant, it will cause kidneys to fail once again.

Based on some researches, only in rare cases of Diabetes, the patients can live more than 20 years after Kidney Transplant.

Therefore, Kidney Transplant generally is not suggested to the patients with End Stage Renal Failure caused by Diabetes. They should choose treatment that can restore their impaired kidneys and lower high blood glucose at the same time.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis Have Angina

Angina can be found among people on peritoneal dialysis. In severe case, it can cause acute myocadial infarction and sudden death. Therefore, it is very important for the patients to avoid it during dialysis.

Why patients on peritoneal dialysis have angina?

△ If too much fluid is filtered out of body, it will cause insufficient blood volume. If the heart can not get sufficient blood supply, it is very likely to cause heart problem.

△ Renal Failure is usually complicated with hyperlipemia. If the fat accumulates in coronary artery, it will cause the coronary artery to contract thus reducing blood supply to heart. If the heart can not get sufficient blood supply, it is very likely to cause angina.

△ Hyperparathyroidism is also a common cause of angina for patients on peritoneal dialysis. Increased secretion of PTH can elevate the calcium level and reduce phosphorus level in blood. Hypercalcinemia can cause much calcium to deposit in cardiac interstitial, which can damage the cardiac cells thus resulting in arrhythmia.

How to avoid angina during peritoneal dialysis?

△ The dialysis should be conducted properly and control the fluid amount that will be filtered out strictly.

△ The patients should avoid eating too much fatty foods which can elevate the blood fat level thus increasing the risk of developing heart problem.

△ Quit smoking and drinking.

△ Hyperparathyroidism is attributable to high level of phosphorus in blood. Therefore, the patients should avoid eating foods high in phosphorus such as banana, oranges etc.

All in all, the angina and other diseases are caused by reduced kidney function. Therefore, to avoid them, what the patients should do is to improve their renal function.

Complications After Kidney Transplant

After kidney transplant, the patient is very prone to infection. Three contributive factors are as following. First, the major surgery on blood vessel and urinary system temporarily decrease patient immune ability. Secondly, for kidney failure patients, their absolute immunity is low then normal person. Thirdly, the adoption of immunosuppressive drugs further disturbs normal immune system and makes patient even more prone to Lung infection, urinary tract infection and operation wound infection.

In clinical, post organ transplant infection has become one of the toughest problems challenging doctors and patients. Global data shows that more than 50% patients will suffer from Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Domestic data shows that the infection ratio for kidney transplant alone was 21%, with 29% for Liver transplant, 25% for Heart transplant and 39% for lung-Heart transplant. Consequences of infection could be Acute or Chronic rejection, cardiovascular complications, post-transplant Diabetes and shortened life-span of transplanted kidney.

Cardiovascular complication accounts for the second most dangerous factor after kidney transplant. Data shows that more than 50% mortality of kidney transplanted patients stems from cardiovascular diseases. And, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia could be the most common cardiovascular complications after kidney transplant.
Digestive system complications include dysfunction of the Liver, upper digestive tract bleed and acute pancreatitis.

Dysfunction of endocrine and metabolism could give rise to Hypercalcemia, Hypophosphatemia, Hyperuricemia, Diabetes, Bone Disease, Sexual Abnormality and Dysfunction of Renal Tubules.

Hematological complications include Polycythemia and change of blood rheology and bone marrow suppression.

The occurrence ratio of tumor after kidney transplant is 2%-25%. The transplanted kidney has cancerous pathological change itself, but this condition is rare. In most cases, there could be a relapse or new occurring of kidney tumor after kidney transplant.

In addition, after kidney transplant, your existing kidneys will gradually shrink and lose function completely. So, once there is failure in your transplanted kidney, there is no other choice but another kidney transplant.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Polycystic Kidney: Is Having These Problems Normal?

A lot of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) experience many health problems but not all the same. They are scary if their health problems are warning signs of aggravation. Polycystic Kidney Disease usually presents no symptoms before spells; however, PKD will develop faster after signs and symptoms take place. Polycystic Kidney Disease plays a significant role in Uremia among the middle-aged group.

Common health problems of Polycystic Kidney Disease are listed as below. Although these problems are usual on patients with PKD, to prevent the disease from getting worse you need to notify your doctor and ask for treatment as soon as possible.

Common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease:

(1). Discomforts of lower back and abdomen, dull pain or kidney twist pain.
(2). Urinary problems such as hematuria, frequent Nocturia, oliguria, anuria, frequent micturition, urgency or urodynia.
(3). Digestive problems like loss of appetite in late stage of PKD, nausea and vomiting.
(4).Other problems: ascites, dizziness, weakness, Anemia, edema, loss of consciousness and even paralysis.

People with Polycystic Kidney Disease also have many internal health problems that can be detected by certain examinations. Some of these signs may exhibit no body discomforts so they will be hard for patients to know; therefore patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should have periodical examinations to find out internal body problems. Common unfavorable signs of Polycystic Kidney Disease include:

1. Enlargement of cysts.
2. Hypertension
3. Proteinuria and leucocyturia
4. Microscopic or macroscopic hematuria
5. kidney stone
6. Ureteral obstruction
7. Liver enlargement
8. Anemia
9. Kidney dysfunction
10. Cardiovascular problem like Aortic Root Dilatation, Tricuspid Valve Prolapse and aneurysm of aorta.
11. About 30% of patients with Polycystic Kidney will have Hepatic Cysts; 10% of them will have Spleen Cysts; 10% to 20% of them will have Cerebral Basal Aneurysm; 80% of them may have digestive tract diverticulum; and some patients may have Diaphragmatic Hernia.

Polycystic Kidney Disease is the most common hereditary kidney disease that may severely affect the patients and their next generations. At present, there are some ways can shrink the cysts instead of surgery.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

How to Treat Kidney Stone in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Kidney stone is a common complication in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and occurs in up to 20 percent of people with the disease. Kidney stones may cause pain or obstruct urinary tract. It is also a stimulating factor for the development of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Therefore, it is very essential to treat kidney stone effectively.

How do kidney stones form in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)?

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is caused by the abnormal proliferation of the renal tubular epithelial cells. If uncontrolled, the cysts will enlarge gradually and oppress the renal tubule. Hence, the renal tubule can not function well to keep electrolytes balance. Afterwards, a lot of uric substances accumulate resulting in high blood uric acid level. As a result, the calcium oxalate and calcium urate deposit gradually and form stones.

How to treat kidney stone in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)?

As kidney stone can accelerate the growth of the cysts, it is extremely to remove the stones as early as possible. On one hand, alkalifying urine is a very important step in preventing the formation of stones. However, it can only treat the disease from its symptoms. To prevent the formation of kidney stones, improving the regulatory function of the renal tubule is a necessary step. Therefore, what should the patients firstly do is to relive the oppression to renal tubule and shrink the enlarged cysts.

Here Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is suggested to the patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). The therapeutic mechanism is as follows.
Firstly, the effective medicine ingredients can dilate blood vessels so as to improve the permeability of the cyst wall. It can improve the excretion of the cystic fluid.

Secondly, Micro-Chinese Medicine can inactivate the epithelial cells of the cyst wall. Therefore, it can decline the cystic fluid secretion from the underlying cause.

With the shrinking of the cysts, the oppression to renal tubule will diminish gradually. Once the renal tubule recovers its normal regulatory function, it will be able to inhibit the formation of the kidney stones.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Treatment of Hematuria in Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease patients are very often to experience hematuria, gross hematuria in most cases. Hematuria, also called blood in urine, is a phenomenon that red blood cells are presented in urine. Chinese herbs can treat it effectively without surgery.

Why Polycystic Kidney Disease patients experience hematuria?

Two factors can lead to hematuria for PKD patients. The first one is the cyst rupture. Nearly every patient with PKD will suffer from cyst rupture even without provocation. Generally speaking, when the cysts are 3cm larger in diameter, they have the chance of rupture and bleeding. When the cysts bleed, some red blood cells will go out of body into the urine. That is why hematuria occurs. By the way, when the cysts rupture, patients will also suffer from fever, shiver and infection, which need treatment immediately. The other reason is the damage of glomeruli and renal tubules. If the cysts continue to grow, they will surely cause damage on kidney units. When they are damaged, the red blood cells will leak from the filtration membrane, without reabsorption by the renal tubules. Thus, patients will find gross hematuria.

What is the treatment of hematuria in Polycystic Kidney Disease?

In most patients, the hemostatics will be prescribed to deal with hematuria. However, the hematuria will back in a short period. The medicines are necessary directed by your doctors. Besides, patients should clear the root. Chinese herbs are recommended to treat hematuria caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Chinese herbs can shrink the cysts by inactivating the epithelial cells and speeding up the blood circulation. Also, Chinese herbs can repair the damaged filtration membrane by dilating blood cells and clear the wastes accumulated in the membrane. Also, Chinese herbs will provide enough nutrition for the repair of kidney damage. In this way, hematuria will go away naturally.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Etiology of High Blood Pressure in PKD

In most cases of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), high blood pressure is the first symptom. It is an immediate cause of heart failure and other complications among the patients. Sometimes, the patients with PKD may die of other diseases due to high blood pressure before it progresses into End Stage Renal Failure. Therefore, it is very important to manage high blood pressure in PKD.

High blood pressure is a sign of disease aggravation. For more than 50% of the patients with PKD, their blood pressure rises before the creatinine level elevates. PKD is featured by multiple cysts growing on kidneys. If left untreated, the cysts will enlarge continuously and oppress the healthy renal tissues and renal blood vessels causing renal local ischemia. After the receptor in kidneys senses this case, it can stimulate the kidneys to secrete more renin.
As a result, the angiotensin concentration rises and blood vessels contract. Afterwards, the blood pressure will increase. High blood pressure and renal function damage forms a vicious circle.

After the blood pressure rises, the small arteries through the body will contract and have spasm, which can cause the endangium to have hyaline change and damage the vascular wall. Afterwards, more cholesterol and other substances will deposit on the vascular wall and thicken the vascular wall and thin the lumen. As a result, the renal fibrosis is initiated and kidneys fail gradually until develops End Stage Renal Failure.

Then what can be done to control high blood pressure in PKD?

High blood pressure can be lowered by life style changes, regular exercise and diet. They should avoid smoking and alcohol and develop healthy daily habits. Increased salt intake can cause water retention in body thus increasing blood volume elevating blood pressure.

If there is a family history of PKD, other family members should keep systemic screening and keep the principle: early inspection and early treatment. In this way, they will be able to reduce the incidence of Renal Failure.

Natural Remedy for ADPKD

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) covers the majority of the total population of people with Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). As many people know the ending of the disease from their parents’ experience, they are very eager to seek for an effective therapy to stop the progression of ADPKD. Here a natural remedy will introduce the patients with ADPKD.

In the western medicine, the patients usually use surgery or LRCD to eliminate the large cyst. Of course, these treatment methods can delay the progression of the disease temporarily and relieve the symptoms like pain, high blood pressure etc. However, once the big cysts are removed, the left ones will grow up at a fast speed to oppress the kidneys again. What the patients with ADPKD should primarily do is to stop the enlargement of all the cysts growing on kidneys, but not a single one.

A natural remedy---Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied to treat ADPKD and has showed its enormous effect.

Many foreigners are not familiar with this therapy, but many of them must have heard about Chinese herbal medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative application of Chinese herbal medicine.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external therapy. The well-chosen medicines are shattered into powder and then are packed in bags made of special material. Then with the help of modern instrument, the effective medicine integrants will be able to be permeated into the kidney lesions directly from kidney area.

Then the effective medicine can work on the cysts and promote the resorption ability of the lining wall of the cysts. As a result, the cysts will stop growing and shrinking gradually.

Moreover, the medicine can dilate blood vessels to improve systemic blood circulation and increase the blood and nutrients supply to kidneys. Therefore, it can promote the self-repairing of the impaired renal functional cells due to oppression of the enlarged cysts.

After the above systemic treatment, the cysts will be able to stop growing and shrink gradually. In this way, the patients with ADPKD will be able to avoid developing Renal Failure completely.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is It Possible That PKD only Affect One Kidney

In some cases of PKD, the cysts can be noticed only on one kidney. However, that does not mean the other kidney will not be involved by cysts. Many people that think if they remove the diseased kidney, they will recover from PKD. In fact, that is a misunderstanding on the disease.

For the patients with PKD, their kidneys actually are covered with numerous small and big cysts. Some of them are too small to be noticed. That is to say, the cysts have grown on the other kidney, but they are too small to be inspected out. If uncontrolled, they will grow gradually and cause damage to kidneys in several years and even shorter.

If only one kidney is inspected to grow kidneys, it proves that PKD still in its early stage. For the patients, they should take the good treatment opportunity to control the cysts enlargement. If so, the function of the other kidney will not be damaged by the cysts. Then, what treatment should the patients with PKD take?
Here, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended to patients with PKD. The therapeutic mechanism is as follows:

1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can inactivate the epithelial cells of cysts thus making them stopping secreting cystic fluid. In this way, the cysts will stop growing.

2. In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve blood vessels. On one hand, it can improve blood supply to kidneys and relieve the renal ischemia and anoxia. On the other hand, it can improve the permeability of the cyst wall so as to improve the reabsorption of cystic fluid. Hence, the enlarged cysts.

Therefore, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stop the cyst enlargement fundamentally and avoid oppression to kidneys.

What Shall I Get After Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease characterized by numerous cysts on the kidney(s). It is one of the most common causes of Kidney Failure. The cysts are tough to be eliminated in the majority of patients. The cysts usually grow with age and then they will exert pressures to the kidney resulting in kidney dysfunction.

Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease are many; the most common complications are Hypertension, hematuria, Kidney enlargement, Urinary Tract Infection and infection. People with Polycystic Kidney Disease may also have lower back pain, fever, back soreness, kidney angina and so on. Many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are failed to be treated by Conventional treatment. Conventional treatment focuses on symptomatic treatment in the early period to control high blood pressure and infection; in middle stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease, surgeries are taken to remove bigger cysts and delay the life expectancy of the kidneys; and in late stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease, people with PKD have to live on dialysis.

As you can see, conventional treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease is not able to stop the progression of the disease. Besides, there are many weaknesses of the treatment. For example, surgery can remove the bigger cysts only which save room for smaller cysts to wildly grow. Surgery is traumatic; each surgery may bring some damages to the kidney tissues. Even dialysis is not a best way to stop Polycystic Kidney Disease; and maybe you will experience more symptoms brought by dialysis.

If you want your Polycystic Kidney Disease be well controlled and avoid as many as symptoms from both disease itself and treatment, then you should choose a treatment which is able to drastically stop the development of the disease and repair damaged kidney tissue. You may try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is able to inhibit the growth of the cysts by deactivating cyst walls to secret cystic fluid. In additional, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is able to improve the sick condition of the kidney thus maintaining the maximum kidney function.

How to Improve Renal Function with Creatinine 380, GFR 22 in PKD

Q: I inherit Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) from my father. The recent tests show the following values:

GFR: 22,

Creatinine level: 380,

Blood pressure: 145/95.

My doctor tells me that there is no method to stop Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) progression and I have to start dialysis in about 2 years. After reading your website, I am very interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in the treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Is the therapy effective? Can it make me avoid dialysis?

A: Generally speaking, if the patients do not have serious complications, they are recommended to start dialysis when the GFR declines to 10. As your present GFR is 22, if your can prevent further renal function decline, you have 100% chance of avoiding dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). It is a new development of traditional Chinese medicines. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external therapy instead of the traditional oral taken traditional Chinese medicines. After the effective medicines are superfinely shattered, they can be penetrated into kidney lesions directly with the help of modern osmosis devices and penetrate through the meridians and collaterals on back.

On one hand, the effective integrants in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can inhibit the abnormal proliferation of the renal tubules. Therefore, they can stop the increase in cysts numbers.

On the other hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine can inactive the epithelia cells of cysts and prevent the cystic fluid accumulation. It can effectively stop the further enlargement of the cysts.

In addition, the medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve blood circulation so as to increase oxgen and nutrients supply to kidneys thus stimulating the self-repairing of the impaired renal intrinsic cells.
As a result, the cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) will stop increasing in numbers and size and gradually shrinking as well as the renal function will improve gradually.

Can Gene Therapy Cure Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Although gene technique is so advanced and it has been applied to clone organs and even human. However, the application of gene technique still does not develop maturely in medical area. Therefore, the gene therapy is not still applied to treat PKD yet.

You should not feel disappointed about the bad news. Although we can not change PKD gene, it is possible for us to stop the cysts from enlarging and shrinking the large cysts. If so, you will be able to avoid developing Renal Failure.

PKD is featured by numerous cysts growing usually on bilateral kidneys. With age, the cysts will increase both in number and size. The enlarged cysts will suppress the neighboring nephrons and replace more and more normal renal tissues. As a result, the renal function will decline along with a series of symptoms such as high blood pressure, hematuria, back pain, proteinuria etc.

To stop renal function decline, it is important for you to control the symptoms of PKD. You can take high blood pressure medications, limiting protein supplement and so on to relieve the symptoms. However, you can only take them as assistant methods because they can not stop the cysts enlargement at all. You must take proper treatment to stop PKD progression.

Chinese herbal medicine is combined with modern techniques perfectly and has showed enormous therapeutic effect in treating PKD.

Chinese herbal medicine is used externally, not taken orally. The effective medicines can be permeated into kidney lesions directly with the help of modern instruments. The medicines can act on the cysts and inactivating the epithelial cells of the cysts. Therefore, it can stop the secretion of the cystic fluid effectively.

Moreover, Chinese herbal medicine can improve renal function by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood supply to kidneys, supplying nutrients to kidneys etc.

After the above systemic treatment, you will have obvious improvement such as relief in back pain, high blood pressure etc. Therefore, you will be able to live a normal life and avoid developing Renal Failure

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to Prevent Renal Damage in PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disorder. Although there is no cure for PKD yet, early intervention and treatment can improve the individuals’ health and make the avoid developing Renal Failure.

How does PKD cause Renal Failure?

PKD is featured by numerous cysts usually growing on both kidneys. With age, the cysts will increase both in size and number. The cysts will oppress the surrounding healthy nephrons thus resulting in renal ischemia and anoxia. Just like people, if the nephrons can not get sufficient oxgen supply, they will die. Finally, the kidneys will fail completely. The completely necrotic kidneys are just like hard stones so the blood can not pass through them at all.

How to prevent renal damage in PKD?

The prognosis of PKD is extremely variable. The earlier they receive treatment, the better the prognosis will be. However, in the early stage of PKD, most of the patients do not have discomforts or symptoms at all so they do not take the disease seriously at all and miss the best treatment opportunity. In clinic, most of the patients with PKD have lost more than half of their renal function when they show noticeable symptoms.

In order to prevent renal damage in PKD, the treatment should primarily focus on inhibiting the enlargement of cysts.

Chinese herbal medicine has been used in treating PKD and showed an enormous therapeutic effect.

The enlargement of cysts is attributed to the secretion of cystic fluid by the lining cells of cysts. The effective integrants in Chinese herbal medicine can promote the functional transformation of the cysts thus making them lose secretion function.

Moreover, the effective medicine can dilate renal arteries. In this way, it can improve the blood supply and oxgen to kidneys so as to stop renal function decline.

If the patients with PKD can receive the above systemic treatment, they will be able to stop the kidney damage and avoid developing Renal Failure completely.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How Should Parents Handle with kids' High Urine Protein

Some patients may complain about the urine protein they found in the urine test, actually this situation maybe seen on young children, they have no other symptoms except slight swelling and urine protein, as parents, they are afraid that this may cause serious problems to children, so How should parents handle with kids’ high urine protein?

When we found the high urine protein at first time, we should test again, if this situation still exists, the test of urinary sediment, red blood cell count, white blood cell count and so on are necessary to determine whether there are something wrong with kidneys or other organs. After diagnosed with kidney diseases, a timely and positive treatment is important, and in order to hold the illness condition we can not treat it lightly. If patients only have symptoms of high protein, or only have occult blood, without high creatinine or BUN, it means that the damage on renal cells is not serious, with correct treatment, it is possible to repair the damaged renal cells and recover renal function.

So how does urine protein damage human body?

I urine protein could cause interstitium injury. Under the normal case, a small amount of small molecule protein will be absorbed by renal tubular epithelial cells, and decomposed inside the lysosome. However, under the abnormal status, the permeability of glomeruli will increase, and some plasma protein will leak into the kidney tubules, however, the proximal tubule will still absorb albumin and then lead to increase of activity of lysosome, then the renal cells could be damaged.

In addition to this, reabsorption and digestion need excess energy, which could cause oxygen deficit of tubules, then lead to damage of tubular cells.
Kidneys are important organs of human beings, once problems occur, we must take care of it and never be careless. Another matters need attention is: patients can not judge their illness by themselves, which is easy to miss the best time of treatment. Urine protein can not be ignored.

Know Protein in Urine (Proteinuria) Rightly

Some patients are wondering about his protein in urine (proteinuria), some of them have suffered with this kidney problem for a long time. Since they have no other bad symptoms or discomforts, they do not care about that or do not know much about the severity of this kind of disorder. Here let’s analyze protein in urine (proteinuria)

To put it in simple, kidneys are organs which play the function of secreting, adjusting and filtration. If you have protein or blood in urine, it means that now the function of filtration has been damaged.

Proteinuria includes physiological proteinuria and pathological proteinuria. Physiological proteinuria refers to proteinuria in urine due to some transient factors; it can disappear when one changes position. Functional proteinuria occurs after one has strenuous exercise, fever, or a cold. When his or her temperature goes down to normal level, proteinuria will disappear. Pathological proteinuria refers to proteinuria when kidney disease or kidney damage involved in systemic disease. Therefore, if patient who has protein in urine (proteinuria) and also suffered with high creatinine, there is no doubt that his or her proteinuria is not physiological, because now the kidneys are already been damaged.

Patients with proteinuria may wonder about why they have no other symptoms if kidneys are damaged? Just think about it, protein is the main nutrition people need in their normal life, if lots of them leaked from the urine, on the one hand, we need to intake more protein for supplement, then we need to eat more and the burden of kidneys will be increased, on the other hand, the leakage of protein will also damage the kidneys all the time. So suggest patients could realize the severity of kidney disease and receive effective treatment as soon as possible.

Monday, January 7, 2013

How Do Puffy Eyes Occur in PKD

Each of kidneys composes of one million nephrons which responsible for filtering blood and excreting metabolic products and excessive fluid by producing urine. However, in PKD, it is featured with numerous cysts growing on kidneys. If uncontrolled, the cysts will enlarge ceaselessly. As a result, the enlarged cysts will oppress the surrounding nephrons resulting in decline in renal function. Afterwards, a lot of fluid will build up in body thus arousing swelling. As the tissues around eyes are soft, the eyelid is more likely to be affected than other parts.

How to alleviate puffy eyes in PKD?

To alleviate puffy eyes in PKD, the patients should take relevant treatment to stop further cysts enlargement and shrink the large ones. Here Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended to the patients with PKD along with puffy eyes.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new application of traditional Chinese medicine which dating back to the ancient China. The main medicine integrants are mainly composed of herbs so it is completely free of the side effects of the chemical drugs.

On one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels so as to improve blood and oxgen supply to nephrons. Therefore, it can stop the aggravation of renal function.

On the other hand, the effective medicine in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can inactivate the lining cells of the cyst wall and make them lose secretion ability.

In addition, the medicine can improve the permeability of the cyst wall and promote the excretion of the cystic fluid. Therefore, the cysts will shrink gradually and even disappear. Meanwhile, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can provide some nutrients for the self-repairing of the impaired nephrons.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Headache

Headache is a common symptom in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). Now I will share you a story, in which narrator who is a PKD suffer will tell you how headache occurs in PKD.

Not coincidentally, headaches started around the same time I was diagnosed with PKD. In fact, at that time, I did not know my PKD was associated with my increase in quantity and intensity of headaches.

I now know that PKD and headaches always go together. My doctor tells me that there are a number of reasons for headache for PKD patients such as high blood pressure. If it is related to high blood pressure, you should do your best to keep blood pressure within control. High blood pressure is an accelerator for renal function decline.

Not everyone who has PKD has reoccurring and/or bad headaches, but sadly many do. If you have a regular headache, you should take it seriously. It is a known fact that the patients with PKD have an increased likelihood of having cerebral aneurysm which is also a common reason for headache. If the cerebral aneurysm ruptures, it will lead to a life-threatening effect to you. Therefore, you should take MRI to find if your headache is related to it. For me, it has fortunately proven to be negative.

For my headache problem, my doctor just prescribes me some medications to relieving my pain. However, once I stop using it, it will reoccur very soon. I know painkillers are not eliminating the underling causes of my pain. What should I do? I don’s know.

Expert’s explanation:

In PKD, headache is mainly related to high blood pressure. To eliminate headache, the patients should lower blood pressure. However, medications can not keep the blood pressure within control effectively. High blood pressure in PKD is caused by renin-angiotensin system (RAS). The enlargement of cysts cause increased secretion of renin thus activating RAS. Therefore, to lower high blood pressure, the patients should take therapy focusing on shrinking enlarged cysts.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

How to Eliminate Protein in Urine for People with Kidney Disease

In normal case, there is only a small amount of protein in urine(less than 150 mg/per day) and the protein qualitative test is negative. However, in Kidney Disease, if the kidneys are damaged, they will not be able to prevent the protein leakage thus resulting in protein in urine.

Important function of protein in body

Proteins are essential nutrients for human body and important components of body tissues as well as keep immune system function normally etc. If the protein level in blood declines the normal, it will cause a series of problems such as weak immunity, frequent infections, malnutrition etc. These problems will certainly speed up the progression of Kidney Disease.

Why patients with Kidney Disease have protein in urine?

The healthy kidneys are responsible for filtering blood and discharging the metabolic products from body. However, in Kidney Disease, the glomeruli (filters) in kidneys are damaged and lose their normal barrier function. As a result, the proteins will pass through the glomerular filtration membrane and leak into urine.

How to eliminate protein in urine for people with Kidney Disease?

1. The patients should limit the protein consumption and avoid eating foods rich in proteins. Meanwhile, they should increase proportion of high quality protein properly like fish, lean meat etc.

2. Usually, the doctors will prescribe some hormone and immunosuppressive agents to suppress the inflammatory reaction. Therefore, it can control the protein in urine temporarily. However, it will relapse very frequently.

3. The above are only assistant methods in eliminating protein in urine. As protein in urine is attributable to the impairment of glomeruli in kidneys, restoring impaired glomeruli is the first step in removing the proteins.

Respiratory and Digestive Problem in Chronic Renal Failure

Many patients with Chronic Renal Failure is afflicted with respiratory and digestive problems. In severe case, these problems may interrupt their daily activity significantly and even threaten their life. So, how do these problems occur and how to relieve them effectively?

Respiratory problem in Chronic Renal Failure

Metabolic acidosis is a major cause of respiratory problem. It can cause deep and rapid breath and severely irregular hear beat and even coma. Metabolic acidosis is attributable to the imbalance of acid-base in body. In Renal Failure, impaired kidneys lose the normal regulatory function and the alcaline substances can not neutralize the acid, thus leading to the problem.

Blood collection in lung is also attributable factors for respiratory problems in Chronic Renal Failure. As the impaired kidneys are not function normally to filter extra fluid from body, it will build up in body. In severe case, the lung and even blood vessels at all levels may be filled with fluid. Thus, it can cause difficult and short breath, etc.

Digestive Problem in Chronic Renal Failure

Digestive problems in Chronic Renal Failure mainly include nausea, vomiting, bleeding, etc. Usually, these problems appear along with elevated BUN.
Urea is the end product of proteins and it is filtered out of body by kidneys normally. However, in Chronic Renal Failure, the diseased kidneys fail to finish its job, thus resulting in high levels of urea in body. The urease can decompose the urea into ammonia which can irritate intestinal tract, resulting in digestion disorder.

Usually, dialysis can relieve the mentioned problems by filtering extra fluid and metabolic wastes from body. However, dialysis alone is not enough to manage all the complications of Chronic Renal Failure like skin itching. That is because dialysis only removes the macromolecular toxins like creatinine, BUN, but the remaining toxins like PTH, IL 6, etc still remain in body to do further damage to kidneys. Therefore, the patients' renal function still keep aggravating with dialysis going on.

As the respiratory and digestive Problems are related to impaired kidneys, the primary goal of the treatment should focus on rebuilding the kidney structure and reversing renal function.

Can Medullary Sponge Kidney Lead to Chronic Kidney Disease

Medullary Sponge Kidney is a congenital kidney disorder featured by dilatation of collecting ducts. Chronic Kidney Disease may occurs as many as 10% patients with the disorder.

Urinary tract infection(UTI) is the leading cause of Chronic Kidney Disease. It usually occurs in the fourth to fifth decades of life and its incidence is higher in women than men. If the patients with Medullary Sponge Kidney can not control UTIs effectively, the infection will spread to kidneys, thus resulting in kidney infection. Additionally, the frequent kidney stone can increase the incidence of UTI, urinary obstruction, etc. These problems can aggravate renal function decline. If the patients with Medullary Sponge Kidney have the following symptoms, it may imply they have developed Chronic Kidney Disease.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is a common symptom of Chronic Kidney Disease. As the malfunctioned kidneys fail to filter extra fluid from body, a lot of fluid build up in body, thus elevating blood volume. Thus, the blood pressure will increase, mostly along with swelling in eyelids, legs and feet.

Foam in urine

In normal condition, the foams in toilet will disappear after a short while. If the foams in urine exists longer than before, the patients with Medullary Sponge Kidney should take more care about this abnormal sign. Foam in urine may be associated with protein loss in urine.


Fatigue in Chronic Kidney Disease may be caused by anemia. When malfunctioned kidneys can not produce enough erythropoietin which can stimulate the production of red blood cells, anemia will occur.

Leg cramp

If the patients with Medullary Sponge Kidney has longstanding leg cramp for no clear reason, they should figure out if it is caused by Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney damage can cause low calcium level in blood, thus leading to leg cramp.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How Can I Stop Progressive Deterioration in Kidney Function

Chronic Kidney Disease, also known as Chronic Renal Failure is a slow progressive deterioration in kidney function. Eventually the patient develops permanent Kidney Failure and has to require dialysis or kidney transplant to survive. Is there any effective way to stop kidney function deterioration?

General instructions

☆ Eat healthy foods

Kidneys are responsible for filtering out wastes products from body. The more wastes products there are, the harder they need to work. Foods loaded in proteins, salts and fats can put extra strain on kidneys. It is a wise choice for people with Chronic Kidney Disease to remove those foods from their daily diet.

☆ Drink enough water

If the patient does not have swelling or reducing in urine output, they are suggested to drink enough water each day. Kidneys filter out the wastes by producing urine. More urine can help remove more wastes out of body.

☆ Medication

High blood pressure is a common complication of Chronic Kidney Disease. In return, it is an important risk in deteriorating renal function. Generally, the patient is prescribed with medications like ACE, ARB drugs to lower blood pressure. Sometimes, the medications are ordered even if the patient has not developed high blood pressure yet for the medications have certain effect in preserving renal function.

Featured treatment
The above general instructions can slow down deterioration in kidney function to a certain extent. However, they are not able to stop the deterioration.
Chronic Kidney Disease is divided into three stages: inflammation response, renal fibrosis and scarring.
After the kidneys are damaged, the renal intrinsic cells will attract inflammatory cell in blood to infiltrate into kidneys, thus leading to inflammation response. If the response is not controlled timely, the renal intrinsic cells will have phenotype transformation and lose their function. Finally, all of the kidney tissues are scarred and lose the function completely.
Therefore, if early and effective treatment is involved, the deterioration in kidney function will be halted. What the patients should do is to suppress the inflammation response and prevent renal fibrosis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been applied to treat Chronic Kidney Disease and 26 years' clinical application fully proves its excellent curative effects. It performs the following functions in treating Chronic Kidney Disease.

※ The underlying initiating factor of renal fibrosis is renal ishemia and anoxia.The effective medicines in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can correct the microcirculation disturbance in kidneys by dilating blood vessels and renal arteries.

※ The active ingredients can suppress the releasing of inflammatory factors and stop the infiltration to kidney tissues and cells.

※ The therapy can degrade the fibrosis tissues and impaired kidney tissues. In this way, it can create more space and a favorable environment for regeneration of new kidney tissues and cells.

※ It can active the self-repairing of renal intrinsic cells and promote the regeneration of new cells. Therefore, the renal function will have a remarkable improvement.

Once the attributable factors of deterioration in kidney function are eliminated, the kidney disease will stop progressing completely.

Can Diabetes Be Cured?

Q: I am diagnosed with Diabetes type 2. After panic, I calm down and attend some public speaking about diabetes. I got that complications make diabetes horrible. In my mind, the most horrible is Uremia related to diabetes. I want to now, once present, can Diabetes be cured?

A: Diabetes kidney disease belongs to one of the diabetic complication. Strict therapy of control blood sugar is suggested to be reversible for patients in the Stage I and Stage II theoretically. However, diabetes is asymptomatic in clinic, it is hard to be found. Once stage III presents, it can not be cured theoretically. As a result, once diagnosed with diabetes, patients should pay enough attention in preventions of Diabetic Nephropathy. They should take tests and examinations regularly, in order to find and treat it as soon as possible. The following are several advices for preventions.

1. Control the level of blood sugar, blood pressure and blood fat and try your best to approach the normal range.

2. Once proteinuria presents, talk to your doctor and take measures as soon as possible.

3. Do not take medicines and foods which are harmful for kidneys. Prevent infections, poisoning and anoxia.

4. Take Natural Chinese Therapy which shows great effects in remedying diabetes patients, especially for patients who have already stepped into stage III. However, once diabetes develops into Stage IV or Stage V, it is difficult to achieve a remarkable effect.

Is Diabetes Hereditary Disease

“I’m Linda a 25 year female. Some time ago, my farther was diagnosed with Diabetes. I have heard of that Diabetes can inherit to the children. Will I also get Diabetes in the further? When thinking of it, I always feel very horrified. Please help me.”
Here I want firstly to tell Linda that your worries are not necessary. Diabetes is a disorder caused by multiple factors and its onset of the disease is related to heredity, life style, environment, obesity, mental pressure, virus infection and so on. These factors can affect the onset of Diabetes, but not the absolute cause of Diabetes. Diabetes has a certain genetic predisposition. If the parents are Diabetes suffers, their children have higher risk of getting the disease than those without the disease history, but will not certainly get the disease. The parents just sow seeds (susceptibility genes of Diabetes) into their children. If there is proper soil that has the above factors such as overnutrition, long-term mental tension and so on, the seed of Diabetes will grow up into Diabetes. On the contrary, if the children never give opportunities to the growth of the seed, they will never grow into Diabetes.

Although Diabetes is not a genetic disease, the family members should take some preventive measures and do not give any opportunity to the onset of Diabetes.

Friday, January 4, 2013

How to Protect Your Arteriovenous Fistula

When people with renal failure, dialysis become one of the few options left. Before performing dialysis, one must build a vascular access, which is the so-called vascular access or arteriovenous fistula.

Vascular access functions as leading the blood from human body, guiding them into dialyzer, after the blood is purified by the machine, channeling them back to human body afterwards. It is called arteriovenous fistula. It’s the lifeline to those who sustain their lives with dialysis.

Arteriovenous fistula can be categorized as temporary and permanent. To those people with fistula, what should they do to protect their lifeline from being impaired? Here are some suggestions.

1. Avoid squeezing the limb with fistula.

▪ Don’t carry handbags, baskets or anything else over the arm with fistula.

▪ Don’t press the arm or leg with fistula beneath your body as sleeping.

▪ Avoid receiving any kinds of operations in the very limb, such as measure your blood pressure or taking I.V. etc.

2. To those with delicate blood vessels, mild housework should be recommended for him or her. They are able to complete some daily mild housework.

3. Limbs should keep warm especially in winter.

4. Take good control of your weight, avoiding dramatic weight fluctuations. Weight controlling is good for the prevention of low blood pressure during or after dialysis.

5. The point of puncture should be taken good care, make sure it is clean and dry.

6. Do not compress the puncture point for a long time or forceful.

7. Adjust the dose of erythropoietin as hemoglobin reached the standard.

8. Get used to touch the point every day. If sense any change, talk with your doctor immediately.

Those are some simple tips for those on dialysis with  arteriovenous fistula. All those are far from enough to protect your lifeline. What else you want to know, feel free to chat with our online experts for free advice.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Different Performances in Different Stages of Chronic Renal Insufficiency

The Chronic Renal Insufficiency is a kind of syndrome which means the kidney disease has developed into end stage. Once the functional nephrons are damaged progressively, after several months or years, the remaining nephrons can't maintain the physical environment stable, then the retention of metabolic wastes and disorder of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance will occur.

Clinically, all of chronic kidney disease can give rise to Chronic Renal Insufficiency and the most commonly seen one is Chronic Nephritis. In line with the serious degree of damaged renal function, Chronic Renal Insufficiency can be divided into four stages:

Compensatory stage: Ccr is 51~80ml/min which is higher 30% than the normal level
Decompensatory stage: Ccr is 50~20ml/min which is 25%-30% of the normal level
Renal Failure stage: Ccr is 19~10ml/min which is 20%—25% of the normal level.
Uremia stage: Ccr<10ml/min

Some people hold the idea that Chronic Renal Insufficiency is a kind of kidney disease. In fact, The Chronic Renal Insufficiency is a kind of syndrome which means the kidney disease has developed into end stage. Different degree of damaged renal function has the different symptoms and different treatments.

The compensatory stage means the early stage of kidney disease. In this period, the renal parenchyma is damaged slightly and renal function is basically normal, so the physical environment can be maintained stable and there are no obvious symptoms. In the decompensatory stage, the kidney is injured moderately and in this period, patients usually suffer from dieresis, acidosis, slight anemia and fatigues. In the Renal Failure stage, kidney has been damaged seriously and the symptoms are severer than the ones in decompensotary stage. When the disease process into Uremia, patients will present poor appetite, nausea, vomit, hypertension, even coma, insomnia, skin itching and so on.

Because there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage of Chronic Renal Insufficiency, most patients may ignore it and delay the treatment. Then the illness condition will worsen progressively. When the disease enters the stage of Uremia, patients' quality of life will decline greatly. Therefore, once we are diagnosed with Chronic Renal Insufficiency, we should take the treatment timely and positively, preventing the aggravation of the disease.